List of abstracts, 2024 all issues

Vol. 9, No 1

Gaar D. K.

Keywords: Crimean Spring, «polite people», journalism, military history, media analysis

Actions of the Russian Armed Forces During the Crimean Spring: Analysis of Media Reports and Publicist Accounts

This paper focuses on the reconstruction of the actions carried out by the Russian military during the events of the Crimean Spring in 2014 as reported by publicistic sources and mainstream media outlets. The main goals of this research are to construct a chronological account of military activities occurring in February and March 2014 and to analize the characteristics of the used sources. Currently, the only available sources documenting the actions of the Russian military in the Crimean region during this time period are journalistic and media reports. Despite purporting to provide accurate depictions of the most significant military occurrences of the Crimean spring, these sources may require verification.
Izetov R. A.

Keywords: Crimea, Сrimean Soviet Socialist Republic, Crimean Regional Committee, Bakhchi-Eli faction, pro-Russian faction, pro-Ukrainian faction

Struggle Between the Factions of the Crimean Regional Bolshevik Party in April–June 1919

This study aims to investigate the challenges faced in party construction in Crimea during the months of April to June in the year 1919. This subject is of particular significance as there has been a growing scholarly focus on the history of pro-Russian movements in Crimea. Through analysis of documentary sources, the author identifies various factions existing within Crimean party entities. The findings suggest the presence of internal confrontation within the Crimean Regional Bolshevik Committee concerning the relations with the armed forces and the party-state apparatus of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.
Malaniy M. O.

Keywords: Loggin Zeddeler, Military Encyclopedic Lexicon, Crimean studies, Society of Military Men and Writers, Kimmerinsky Mineral Waters

The Biography of Encyclopedist Loggin Zeddeler: Studying New Documents

The Crimean theme holds significant prominence in the Military Encyclopedic Lexicon, prompting a closer examination of the life and work of its creator, Loggin Zeddeler. This study aims to enrich existing biographical information on the Russian encyclopedist by delving into central state archives and pre-revolutionary periodical publications. Through this research, the author has uncovered previously unknown details about Zeddeler's life, including his birth year and family composition, and has analyzed his influential contributions to the field of Russian military encyclopedic literature.
Suntsov I. S.

Keywords: Еvsey Gopshtein, Crimean studies, Simferopol City Council, intelligentsia, finances, ex-libris, memoirs, Taurida Province

Evsey Gopshtein as a Member of the Simferopol City Council

This article uncovers a previously undisclosed chapter in the life of Evsey Gopstein, a prominent representative of the Crimean studies, showcasing his role in overseeing budget and finance matters in the Simferopol City Council. Through the examination of archival documents, diary entries, memoirs, and periodical materials, the author sheds light on Gopstein's involvement in financial and insurance documentation within the local government system and the Azov-Don Bank branch. By analyzing new sources, the study highlights Gopstein's significant contribution to Simferopol's financial affairs during the tumultuous revolutionary period of 1917-1920.
Palashov V. A.

Keywords: monetary system, Russian ruble, financial integration, Finnish markka, Finnish autonomy, economic history

The Legal Nature of the Finnish Markka in the Russian Empire

During its time as part of the Russian Empire, the Grand Duchy of Finland utilized the Finnish markka as its official currency, rather than the Russian ruble. This practice was established de jure in 1860 and de facto in 1865. The aim of this study is to investigate the rationale behind this particular monetary arrangement. The findings suggest that the introduction of the Finnish markka was not driven by a desire to improve the daily lives of Finnish citizens, but rather as a strategic measure to bolster pro-Russian sentiments in Finland. Nonetheless, this development inadvertently laid the solid economic foundations for Finland's eventual separation from the Russian Empire.
Gatchenko V. O.

Keywords: criminal executive inspectorate, house arrest, subject of crime, prohibition of using communications and Internet, preliminary investigation bodies

Monitoring Communications and Internet Use by Induviduals Placed Under House Arrest: Challenges and Solutions

This study examines the issue of monitoring compliance with prohibitions on using communication devices and the Internet by individuals who have committed crimes. The analysis delves into the existing monitoring systems and methods to determine the factors contributing to the lack of cases when house arrest is coupled with prohibition of using communications and the Internet. Additionally, the study reviews suggestions from existing scholarly works aimed at enhancing the legal framework regulating the existing monitoring system. The findings suggest the need for amendments to Articles 186 and 186.1 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.
Belko V. N.

Keywords: objectivity of history, context, historical dialogue, subject of historical research, interpretation, John Tosh

Russian Historians' Assessments of the Book The Pursuit of History by John Tosh

This study examines Russian researchers' perceptions of John Tosh's work The Pursuit of History, which focuses on historical methodology. The analysis delves into the methodology of historical research within the context of modernd trends in political, economic, social, intellectual, and cultural history. The study underscores the importance of John Tosh in the realm of Russian historical literature, offering a systematic review of theoretical aspects and the impact of modernity on the understanding of the historical process.
Vasilyev E. D.

Keywords: Kalevala, district newspaper, periodical press, epistolary heritage

Unpublished Letters to the Editorial Board of the Newspaper The Communist of Kalevala in the 1960s and the 1970s

This study examines correspondence from Soviet citizens to the editorial office of the newspaper The Communist of Kalevala. The main objective is to investigate the underlying causes for the rejection of letters requesting assistance from the newspaper. The analysis is conducted using the relevant collection of documents from the National Archives of the Republic of Karelia.
Ignatovich V. S.

Keywords: Qing Empire, Beijing, eighteenth century, Emperor Kangxi, Peter the Great, Lorenz Lange

Lorenz Lange's Journey to China in 1715–1717

This article examines the journey undertaken by Lorenz Lange from the Russian state to the Qing Empire in 1715-1717. It delves into the motivations behind Lange's dispatch and the meticulous planning of the expedition under the guidance of Peter the Great. The study seeks to shed light on Peter the Great's foreign policy objectives in East Asia, while also evaluating the repercussions of Lange's journey to China in 1715-1717. A key outcome of this expedition was the acquisition of valuable information and facts about the Celestial Empire.
Rego G. E., Rego E. V.

Keywords: Individualization, education, standardized education, artificial intelligence technologies, intelligent chatbot, ChatGPT

The Use of Artificial Intelligence Technologies for Providing Individualized Education

The article examines the concept of individualized education as a pedagogical approach aimed at addressing the unique needs of learners. It contrasts standardized and individualized approaches to education, with a particular emphasis on the role of intelligent chatbots in facilitating individualized learning experiences. The article also explores the implementation of AI technologies in creating customized educational programs tailored to each student's individual needs. Such innovations not only enhance the efficiency of knowledge acquisition but also help teachers to save time.
Veysman V. A.

Keywords: fake news, simulacrum, media space, interpretation of reality, semiotic analysis, poststructuralism, postmodernism, Jean Baudrillard, Jacques Derrida, Roland Barthes, Ferdinand de Saussure

Simulacrum vs Fake News: Correlation Between the Concepts

The article examines simulacrum as a theoretical concept and the phenomenon of fake news. The author explores the origins and essence of the theoretical ideas of Jean Baudrillard who developed theory of simulacra and simulation. Additionally, the author discusses the methodological framework of fake news and explains why it is a natural product of the information age. The objective of the paper is to compare these two concepts, employing comparative analysis and elements of structural and functional analysis. The proliferation of fake news undermines the credibility of information sources and contributes to the construction of false realities, thereby reshaping our understanding of simulacra.
Belova A. A.

Keywords: assertiveness, aggressiveness, passivity, interpersonal interaction, human behavior

Assertiveness as a Component of Interpersonal Interaction

Assertiveness in communication undoubtedly plays a crucial role in individuals' daily interactions. Assertiveness refers to the ability to transparently and confidently articulate one's thoughts and needs while respecting the rights and emotions of others. This paper presents the findings of a study on assertiveness and explores methods for its cultivation. The research employed the "assertiveness test" developed by V. Capponi and T. Novak (adapted by A. Agarkov in 2001) to assess assertiveness levels among 79 students from Petrozavodsk State University and St. Petersburg State University of Economics. The results underscore the importance of teaching assertive communication to students.
Kalinina A. E.

Keywords: meditation regimen, emotional state, stress, relaxation, anxiety

Assessing the Effect of Meditation on Human Emotional State

This article addresses the pressing issue of regulating emotional state of individuals experiencing high levels of stress. The primary objective of the study was to assess the impact of a newly developed meditation regimen on emotional state. A total of 10 participants were involved in the experiment, undergoing daily assessments of their emotional well-being before and after a 10-minute meditation session. The findings indicate a significant enhancement in mood, relaxation, tranquility, rest, and stress reduction following the meditation regimen. However, in order to obtain more precise data, it is imperative to expand the sample size in future studies.
Kuznetsova A. V.

Keywords: photographic tourism, toursim history, hiking, sports tourism, museum collection, Sampo tourist club, caving, Antikainen ski track

Photographic Tourism as an Activity of the Sampo Tourist Club: Exploring the Photo Collection of Victor Yugelainen

The article focuses on the emergence of photographc tourism in the Republic of Karelia, specifically examining the activities of the Sampo tourist club. The primary source for this study is the museum collection of photos taken by Victor Yugelainen, which includes a variety of color and black-and-white photographs. Analysis of the collection reveals that the sports trips organized by the Sampo tourist club had a significant impact on the development of photographic tourism in Karelia. The photographs vividly depict the diverse landscapes visited by the club members, reflecting the geography of the club's hiking trails and the progressive changes in tourist equipment over time.
Andrianova I. B.

Keywords: appellation, Delvig, poetic syntax, stylistic functions, appellations functional classification

The Role of Appellations in Anton Delvig's Poetry

The article presents a stylistic and functional analysis of appellations in Anton Delvig's poetry. The primary aim is to examine the role of appellations in the works of a poet of Pushkin's era, with a particular emphasis on their linguistic characteristics. To achieve this aim, the study explores the functions and importance of appellations in poetry as a whole, conducts a syntactic analysis of Delvig's poems, and identifies the principal functions of appellations in his works. The findings highlight the varied functions of appellations in Delvig's poetry, emphasizing their primary role in evoking emotional resonance.
Martemyanova M. V.

Keywords: themes of antiquity, imagery of antiquity, reception of antiquity, periodical, Society of the Wisdom Lovers, Mnemosyne almanac

Themes and Imagery of Antiquity in the Mnemosyne Journal (1824–1825)

Antiquity continues to serve as a timeless model of true art, with creators still drawing inspiration from the great Greek and Roman classics centuries later. This paper examines the utilization of ancient plots and images in works from the 1820s, as referenced in the Mnemosyne almanac published by Vladimir Odoevsky and Wilhelm Kuchelbecker. By employing comparative and statistical methods, the study reveals that despite the growing influence of romanticism, antiquity continued to be a significant reference point bridging different epochs and cultures.
Matveeva S. P.

Keywords: Tsvetnik journal, nineteenth-century journal, image of Cupid, image of Amor, image of Erot, love theme, A. P. Benitsky, A. E. Izmailov, anthology

Image of Amor in the Tsvetnik Journal in 1809 and 1810

The periodical publications from the 19th century exhibit interest in ancient imagery, inherited from the classicist period. This study focuses on the representation of Cupid in the journal Tsvetnik. The objectives included analyzing the content of the journal to identify instances of the Cupid image, categorizing references to the ancient motif, and interpreting the gathered data. The findings suggest that Russian authors aimed to align the representation of Cupid with classical exemplars, as evidenced by both imitative poems and original texts that offer a fresh perspective on the ancient image.
Kotkov A. S.

Keywords: taekwondo, technical and tactical training, competitive period, training process, modeling, martial arts, leg kicks

Technical and Tactical Training of Highly Skilled Taekwondo Athletes Tailored to Individual Combat Styles

Striving to make taekwondo tournaments more spectacular, the International Taekwondo Federation make adjustments to its rules. A key aspect is the need for competitors to conduct active offensive actions, which requires a thorough mastery of technical and tactical skills and rigorous training regimes. Consequently, the adjustment of training programs is crucial for the development of taekwondo. This paper outlines the findings from an analysis of taekwondo competitions involving top-level athletes, as well as the outcomes of an experimental study. Through this experiment, a training regimen was developed for the participants and its practical efficacy was demonstrated.

Vol. 9, No 2

Pasynkova V. N.

Keywords: Russian spiritual music, Orthodoxy, part choral singing, Georgy Teratsuyants, Academic Choir of Petrozavodsk State University

Revival of Russian Spiritual Music in Amateur Performing Practices: The Case of the Academical Choir of Petrozavodsk State University)

This article provides a concise overview of the origins and evolution of Russian spiritual music and studies the peculiarities of working on spiritual songs during the late 20th century through the example of the Academic Choir of Petrozavodsk State University. The research discovered that the choir's founder, Georgy Teratsuyants, deliberately limited the use of Russian spiritual music, even when it gained popularity. The maestro used only a narrow range of compositions that he was familiar with, which became a part of his creative biography. These pieces were all composed by renowned Russian classical composers and were distinct from traditional Orthodox church music.
Konstantinova S. V.

Keywords: posture disorders, scoliosis, Adams test, Mashkov rhombus, scoliometry, primary school age

Clinical Methods for Diagnosing Scoliotic Posture in Primary School Children

This study highlights the importance of diagnosing posture disorders in elementary school children. The article presents the findings from testing third-grade students at a secondary school, which involved measuring the Mashkov rhombus and performing the Adams test using a scoliometer. The results indicate that 97% of examined students exhibit asymmetry in the frontal plane, and for 31% of the students there exist prerequisites for the development of scoliosis.
Lukina A. N.

Keywords: adaptive sports, adaptive physical education, blind sport, table tennis

Advancement of Table Tennis for the Blind and Visually Impaired in the Republic of Karelia

The article focuses on the advancement and popularization of table tennis for blind people in the Republic of Karelia. It describes the efforts of the Blind Sports Federation in arranging training sessions for both adults and children, as well as organizing competitive events at various levels. The study found that table tennis is developing successfully in the Republic of Karelia, evident by the increasing number of activities implemented by the Federation over time, with athletes from the Federation competing in regional and national tournaments and volunteers and referees being trained.
Nizhegorodova K. Y.

Keywords: swimming instruction, hydrophobia, animation, animation technologies, children with hydrophobia

Organizing and Conducting Aquatic Classes for Primary-School-Aged Children Exhibiting Hydrophobia

The article focuses on the significance of incorporating animation technologies inspired by fairy tales into extracurricular swimming lessons for children of primary school age to help them overcome their fear of water. The primary objective of the research is to substantiate the effectiveness of the classes designed for the initial swimming training of children aged 6-8 years suffering from hydrophobia using animation technologies.
Antonov A. D.

Keywords: Persia, Russian Empire, Russian-Persian relations, Russian army, Persian army

Russian-Persian Relations in the First Third of the 19th Century: Russian Deserters in Persian Army

This paper examines Russian-Persian relations in the first third of the 19th century, focusing on the extradition of a battalion of Russian deserters during the period from 1810 to the late 1830s. The resolution of this issue reflects the changing attitudes of Persia towards the Russian Empire over several decades. Ultimately, the agreement on the extradition of the deserters led to the establishment of friendly relations between Persia and the Russian Empire and influenced Russia's support in modernizing Persia's armed forces.
Izetov R. A.

Keywords: Crimea, Crimean SSR, Muslim Bureau of Crimean Regional Committee, People's Commissariat of Nationalities of the RSFSR, Council of People's Commissars of the Ukrainian SSR, Yiri Gaven, Joseph Stalin, Christian Rakovsky

Revisiting the Reasons for the Establishment of the Crimean Soviet Socialist Republic in 1919

The purpose of the work is to analyze the reasons for the formation and changes in the status of the Crimean Socialist Soviet Republic (SSR) in May and June of 1919. This topic is relevant given the limited existing research on the subject. The author identifies several reasons for the creation of the Crimean SSR. Drawing on documentary sources, the author concludes that the Crimean SSR was created to solve the national question and was a prerequisite for the formation of Crimean autonomy within the RSFSR. Additionally, the Crimean SSR was envisioned as a "prototype republic" for the Turkish population.
Kozlobaev G. A.

Keywords: media, Soviet police, Karelian police, image of Karelian police, Komsomolets newspaper, Leninskaya Pravda newspaper

The Image of Karelian Police in Karelian Periodicals of 1960–1990

This article presents a comparative analysis of publications concerning the Karelian police in local periodicals from 1960 to 1970 and from 1985 to 1990. The study focuses on the portrayal of Karelian law enforcement agencies in the local media during these time periods. Through the research, it has been determined that the years of Perestroika, influenced by the policies of glasnost and democratization, were the transitional stage in the history of media representation of law enforcement agencies. During this period, a critical articles began to emerge alongside the laudatory ones, highlighting issues within the Karelian and Soviet police forces.
Martynov A. A.

Keywords: Karelo-Finnish Soviet Socialist Republic, Kestenga, memorial complex, mass graves, mnemonic actors, politics of memory

Memorialization of the Heroes of the Great Patriotic War in the Loukhsky District During the Postwar Period

The article examines the initial stage of the Great Patriotic War memory formation, focusing on the history of monuments in the Loukhsky District. This period played a crucial role in shaping the key tools, mechanisms, and narratives of memory policy for the following decades. Drawing on archival documents and periodical press materials, this study highlights the significant role of the state in preserving the memory of the war. During the final stage of the war and the first postwar years, the main attention was paid to the heroic acts of resistance against the enemy, with burial sites of fallen soldiers taking center stage in commemorative practices.
Kotok V. A.

Keywords: virtual reality, Valve Index, digital assistant, motor impairment, virtual reality suit, virtual reality glove, VR tracker

Promising Virtual Reality Equipment for Assisting People with Mobility Impairments

The article presents promising virtual reality equipment (VR equipment) in relation to the tasks of assisting a person with motor impairments. The researchers conducted an analysis of promising VR equipment options, classified them based on the presence of tactile feedback and the volume of a set of tracked movements, and identified useful properties in relation to assistance tasks. From the range of VR equipment examined, specific VR equipment was selected that is compatible with the target Valve Index platform and acceptable for use, pending the development of MVP-level software.
Pavlov M. P.

Keywords: Earth remote sensing, artificial intelligence, spectral image of the Earth, video analytics of satellite images, semantic segmentation of area, U-Net

Semantic Segmentation of Satellite Images of the Republic of Karelia Using Spectral Analysis with a Convolutional Neural Network

Remote sensing images are one of the key sources of data for landscape mapping, managing natural objects, and studying environmental changes. This research explores the use of deep learning algorithms for the semantic segmentation of satellite images of the Republic of Karelia. The author investigates the hypothesis that utilizing specific combinations of light channels and spectral indices can improve the accuracy of predictions made by a neural network model. The research underscores the significance of input data selection for improving the neural network's understanding of the scene.
Sulakova S. V., Sidorov N. A.

Keywords: design stages, microcontroller, hardware, software, microclimate, sensors, computer-aided design system, circuit diagram

Microclimate Parameters Monitoring Device for Individual Working Areas of Category Ia Employees

The article presents the stages of creating a microcontroller-based automated device designed to monitor the current parameters of working space microclimate to ensure comfortable working conditions for category Ia employees. The design of both the hardware and software components was carried out simultaneously. The sensors of the developed device measure such parameters as temperature, humidity, illumination, illumination ripple factor, noise level, and carbon dioxide level. The embedded microcontroller software processes the input values from the sensors, analyzes them, provides real-time information on the current microclimate, and alerts users when the sensor readings exceed the optimal limits according to the requirements of Sanitary Rules and Norms.
Rego G. E., Rego E. V.

Keywords: artificial intelligence technologies, listening, English language, personalized learning, educational technologies, adaptive learning

Improving English Listening Skills Using Artificial Intelligence

The article examines the advantages of using artificial intelligence (AI) technologies for the development of English listening skills compared to traditional teaching methods. It discusses the impact of AI technologies on adapting the educational process, creating personalized programs, and providing immediate feedback. The study emphasizes the significance of AI technologies in enhancing comprehension of foreign speech, increasing access to learning materials, and boosting students' motivation, showcasing their valuable contribution to contemporary education.
Kempi A. A.

Keywords: learner corpus, corpus of student texts, PACT, educational analytics, corpus linguistics, spelling errors

Quantitative and Qualitative Dynamics of Spelling Errors in German Texts Across the Stages of Learning

Spelling errors are a frequent occurrence during the process of learning foreign languages. This study analyzes and discusses the quantitative and qualitative changes in spelling errors in German texts sourced from the PACT learner corpus of texts written by students across their initial, intermediate, and final learning stages. The findings indicate a decrease in spelling errors from the initial to final stages of learning, with the most significant reduction observed in the initial stage, followed by a gradual decrease in errors.
Ivanov S. A.

Keywords: career orientations, locus of control, internality, externality, career motivation

Career Orientations of Manufacturing Enterprise Personnel with Different Levels of Internality

The article presents the findings of a study on the career orientations of ordinary employees at a manufacturing company based on their locus of control. Differences and similarities in career orientations were observed among employees with either an internal or external locus of control. The results indicate that while there may be similarities in career orientations, the degree of their expression varies depending on an individual's locus of control. These findings can help enhance the effectiveness of personnel management in terms of motivating employee career development.
Sokolov A. S., Voroshnin S. P.

Keywords: foundry alloy, hard anodic oxidation, silumin, sulfuric acid electrolyte

Research on Specialized Coatings and Parameters of Their Production for Increasing Wear Resistance of Aluminum Alloy AK9ch

The article investigates the process of producing specialized coatings by optimizing anodizing parameters to obtain the hardest and thickest coatings in the form of porous transparent film. The coatings are produced through anodic oxidation at reduced temperatures in sulfuric acid electrolyte to improve the wear resistance of foundry aluminum alloy AK9h with high silicon content.