Vol. 9, No 2: 80–89.

Computer and Information Sciences


Scientific article

UDK 004.93


Maksim P. Pavlov
bachelor’s degree, Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russia),

Semantic Segmentation of Satellite Images of the Republic of Karelia Using Spectral Analysis with a Convolutional Neural Network

Scientific adviser:
Aleksey G. Marakhtanov
Lukashenko Oleg
Paper submitted on: 03/14/2024;
Accepted on: 06/29/2024;
Published online on: 06/30/2024.
Abstract. Remote sensing images are one of the key sources of data for landscape mapping, managing natural objects, and studying environmental changes. This research explores the use of deep learning algorithms for the semantic segmentation of satellite images of the Republic of Karelia. The author investigates the hypothesis that utilizing specific combinations of light channels and spectral indices can improve the accuracy of predictions made by a neural network model. The research underscores the significance of input data selection for improving the neural network's understanding of the scene.
Keywords: Earth remote sensing, artificial intelligence, spectral image of the Earth, video analytics of satellite images, semantic segmentation of area, U-Net

For citation: Pavlov, M. P. Semantic Segmentation of Satellite Images of the Republic of Karelia Using Spectral Analysis with a Convolutional Neural Network. StudArctic forum. 2024, 9 (2): 80–89.


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