Vol. 9, No 2: 72–79.

Computer and Information Sciences


Scientific article

UDK 004.946


Viktoria A. Kotok
postgraduate course, Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russia),

Promising Virtual Reality Equipment for Assisting People with Mobility Impairments

Scientific adviser:
Dmitry Z. Korzun
Kirill Kulakov
Paper submitted on: 12/06/2023;
Accepted on: 06/28/2024;
Published online on: 06/30/2024.
Abstract. The article presents promising virtual reality equipment (VR equipment) in relation to the tasks of assisting a person with motor impairments. The researchers conducted an analysis of promising VR equipment options, classified them based on the presence of tactile feedback and the volume of a set of tracked movements, and identified useful properties in relation to assistance tasks. From the range of VR equipment examined, specific VR equipment was selected that is compatible with the target Valve Index platform and acceptable for use, pending the development of MVP-level software.
Keywords: virtual reality, Valve Index, digital assistant, motor impairment, virtual reality suit, virtual reality glove, VR tracker

For citation: Kotok, V. A. Promising Virtual Reality Equipment for Assisting People with Mobility Impairments. StudArctic forum. 2024, 9 (2): 72–79.


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