Vol. 9, No 2: 39–48.



Scientific article

UDK 94(47).084.3"1919"


Ruslan A. Izetov
bachelor's degree, V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University
(Simferopol, Russia),

Revisiting the Reasons for the Establishment of the Crimean Soviet Socialist Republic in 1919

Scientific adviser:
Sergey B. Filimonov
Svetlana N. Filimonchik
Paper submitted on: 04/22/2024;
Accepted on: 06/28/2024;
Published online on: 06/30/2024.
Abstract. The purpose of the work is to analyze the reasons for the formation and changes in the status of the Crimean Socialist Soviet Republic (SSR) in May and June of 1919. This topic is relevant given the limited existing research on the subject. The author identifies several reasons for the creation of the Crimean SSR. Drawing on documentary sources, the author concludes that the Crimean SSR was created to solve the national question and was a prerequisite for the formation of Crimean autonomy within the RSFSR. Additionally, the Crimean SSR was envisioned as a "prototype republic" for the Turkish population.
Keywords: Crimea, Crimean SSR, Muslim Bureau of Crimean Regional Committee, People's Commissariat of Nationalities of the RSFSR, Council of People's Commissars of the Ukrainian SSR, Yiri Gaven, Joseph Stalin, Christian Rakovsky

For citation: Izetov, R. A. Revisiting the Reasons for the Establishment of the Crimean Soviet Socialist Republic in 1919. StudArctic forum. 2024, 9 (2): 39–48.


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