Vol. 9, No 1: 65–70.



Scientific article

UDK 930.1


Valeria N. Belko
bachelor's degree, Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russia),

Russian Historians' Assessments of the Book The Pursuit of History by John Tosh

Scientific adviser:
Alexander V. Antoshchenko
Evgeny V. Kamenev
Paper submitted on: 11/10/2023;
Accepted on: 03/28/2024;
Published online on: 03/30/2024.
Abstract. This study examines Russian researchers' perceptions of John Tosh's work The Pursuit of History, which focuses on historical methodology. The analysis delves into the methodology of historical research within the context of modernd trends in political, economic, social, intellectual, and cultural history. The study underscores the importance of John Tosh in the realm of Russian historical literature, offering a systematic review of theoretical aspects and the impact of modernity on the understanding of the historical process.
Keywords: objectivity of history, context, historical dialogue, subject of historical research, interpretation, John Tosh

For citation: Belko, V. N. Russian Historians' Assessments of the Book The Pursuit of History by John Tosh. StudArctic forum. 2024, 9 (1): 65–70.


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