Vol. 9, No 1: 78–86.



Scientific article

UDK 94(47).05"171":327+94(510).07


Vladimir S. Ignatovich
bachelor’s degree, Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russia),

Lorenz Lange's Journey to China in 1715–1717

Scientific adviser:
Natalia V. Smirnova
Irina Dorohova
Paper submitted on: 11/10/2023;
Accepted on: 03/29/2024;
Published online on: 03/30/2024.
Abstract. This article examines the journey undertaken by Lorenz Lange from the Russian state to the Qing Empire in 1715-1717. It delves into the motivations behind Lange's dispatch and the meticulous planning of the expedition under the guidance of Peter the Great. The study seeks to shed light on Peter the Great's foreign policy objectives in East Asia, while also evaluating the repercussions of Lange's journey to China in 1715-1717. A key outcome of this expedition was the acquisition of valuable information and facts about the Celestial Empire.
Keywords: Qing Empire, Beijing, eighteenth century, Emperor Kangxi, Peter the Great, Lorenz Lange

For citation: Ignatovich, V. S. Lorenz Lange's Journey to China in 1715–1717. StudArctic forum. 2024, 9 (1): 78–86.


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