Vol. 9, No 4: 125–131.

Student's research life


Scientific article

UDK 94(47).084.8:005.745


Egor D. Vasiliev
bachelor's degree, Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russia),

Conducting a Seminar "The Development of Higher Education in the Republic of Karelia: The University During the Great Patriotic War"

Scientific adviser:
Sergey G. Verigin
Anna Vasileva
Paper submitted on: 11/21/2024;
Accepted on: 12/14/2024;
Published online on: 12/14/2024.
Abstract. The seminar titled "The Development of Higher Education in the Republic of Karelia: The University During the Great Patriotic War" took place in the reading room of the scientific library at Petrozavodsk State University. This event commemorated the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Republic of Karelia from Finnish invaders during the Great Patriotic War. During the seminar, students explored the key stages in the evolution of university education and its transformation during the 1940s.
Keywords: Karelian State Pedagogical Institute, Karelo-Finnish State University, higher education in Karelia, Great Patriotic War, occupation of Petrozavodsk

For citation: Vasiliev, E. D. Conducting a Seminar "The Development of Higher Education in the Republic of Karelia: The University During the Great Patriotic War". StudArctic forum. 2024, 9 (4): 125–131.


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