Vol. 9, No 2: 24–29.

Academic Sporticus. Physical Education and Sports


Scientific article

UDK 796


Kseniya Y. Nizhegorodova
bachelor's degree, Vladivostok State University
(Vladivostok, Russia),

Organizing and Conducting Aquatic Classes for Primary-School-Aged Children Exhibiting Hydrophobia

Scientific adviser:
Natalia V. Mazitova
Larisa Kielevyainen
Paper submitted on: 04/13/2024;
Accepted on: 06/28/2024;
Published online on: 06/30/2024.
Abstract. The article focuses on the significance of incorporating animation technologies inspired by fairy tales into extracurricular swimming lessons for children of primary school age to help them overcome their fear of water. The primary objective of the research is to substantiate the effectiveness of the classes designed for the initial swimming training of children aged 6-8 years suffering from hydrophobia using animation technologies.
Keywords: swimming instruction, hydrophobia, animation, animation technologies, children with hydrophobia

For citation: Nizhegorodova, K. Y. Organizing and Conducting Aquatic Classes for Primary-School-Aged Children Exhibiting Hydrophobia. StudArctic forum. 2024, 9 (2): 24–29.


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