Vol. 9, No 2: 12–17.

Academic Sporticus. Physical Education and Sports


Scientific article

UDK 616-007.246


Sofia V. Konstantinova
bachelor’s degree, Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russia),

Clinical Methods for Diagnosing Scoliotic Posture in Primary School Children

Scientific adviser:
Sergei M. Guz
Larisa Kielevyainen
Paper submitted on: 05/18/2024;
Accepted on: 06/28/2024;
Published online on: 06/30/2024.
Abstract. This study highlights the importance of diagnosing posture disorders in elementary school children. The article presents the findings from testing third-grade students at a secondary school, which involved measuring the Mashkov rhombus and performing the Adams test using a scoliometer. The results indicate that 97% of examined students exhibit asymmetry in the frontal plane, and for 31% of the students there exist prerequisites for the development of scoliosis.
Keywords: posture disorders, scoliosis, Adams test, Mashkov rhombus, scoliometry, primary school age

For citation: Konstantinova, S. V. Clinical Methods for Diagnosing Scoliotic Posture in Primary School Children. StudArctic forum. 2024, 9 (2): 12–17.


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