Vol. 9, No 1: 138–145.

Philological sciences


Scientific article

UDK 82.091


Sofia P. Matveeva
bachelor's degree, Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russia),

Image of Amor in the Tsvetnik Journal in 1809 and 1810

Scientific adviser:
Evgenia P. Litinskaya
Irina N. Diachkova
Paper submitted on: 11/27/2023;
Accepted on: 03/28/2024;
Published online on: 03/30/2024.
Abstract. The periodical publications from the 19th century exhibit interest in ancient imagery, inherited from the classicist period. This study focuses on the representation of Cupid in the journal Tsvetnik. The objectives included analyzing the content of the journal to identify instances of the Cupid image, categorizing references to the ancient motif, and interpreting the gathered data. The findings suggest that Russian authors aimed to align the representation of Cupid with classical exemplars, as evidenced by both imitative poems and original texts that offer a fresh perspective on the ancient image.
Keywords: Tsvetnik journal, nineteenth-century journal, image of Cupid, image of Amor, image of Erot, love theme, A. P. Benitsky, A. E. Izmailov, anthology

For citation: Matveeva, S. P. Image of Amor in the Tsvetnik Journal in 1809 and 1810. StudArctic forum. 2024, 9 (1): 138–145.


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