Scientific article

UDK 342.8


Alexander K. Kozhevnikov
master's degree, Ural Institute of Management - branch of RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation
(Ekaterinburg, Russia),

Legal Regulation of the Use of Big Data in the Electoral Process in the Context of Digital Transformation in Russia

Scientific adviser:
Artem V. Mazein
Ekaterina Kovrigina
Paper submitted on: 11/22/2024;
Accepted on: 12/14/2024;
Published online on: 12/14/2024.
Abstract. The article examines current legal norms and the practical application of Big Data technologies, focusing on their impact on the electoral process. The author employs comparative legal analysis to evaluate the norms and practices of various countries, utilizes statistical processing methods to uncover patterns and trends, and applies modeling techniques to propose legal regulations. Consequently, the article offers recommendations for enhancing legal frameworks, such as implementing automatic data encryption, adopting blockchain technologies, and developing a model for the regulation of digital technologies.
Keywords: Big Data, electoral process, digital transformation, legal regulation, cybersecurity, personal data, jurisprudence

For citation: Kozhevnikov, A. K. Legal Regulation of the Use of Big Data in the Electoral Process in the Context of Digital Transformation in Russia. StudArctic forum. 2024, 9 (4): 87–97.


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