List of abstracts, 2023 all issues

Vol. 8, No 1

Eloschin D. A.

Keywords: timber industry, occupation of Karelia, slave labor, concentration camps

Economic policy of Finland in the occupied territory of Karelia, 1941—1944

The purpose of this article is to show the economic development and exploitation of the occupied territory of the KFSSR by Finland in 1941-1944. The geographical scope of the study is the occupied territory of the KFSSR. As the main method of research, the analysis of archival documents is used.
Pavlov M. P.

Keywords: data preparation, object recognition, dataset approbation, data quality control, data annotation and labeling

Preparing data for machine learning object and key points recognition

Modern methods of artificial intelligence require careful selection of information to obtain the best accuracy. The article considers approaches to improve the data set of machine learning objects and key points recognition. The author forms a methodic of preparing and working with these.
Masaev S. S.

Keywords: graph, Dijkstra's algorithm, depth-first search, patrolling, probability, combinatorics

Combinatorial substitution of the patrol problem on a nonlinear graph

The paper presents the task of patrolling in a combinatorial formulation. To implement the task, the algorithms for bypassing the graph in depth and Dijkstra are used. There are two competitors in the task - patrolling and attacking. As a platform for movement, six interconnected graphs are used, each of which is a prototype of one of the microdistricts of the city of Petrozavodsk. As part of the study of the problem, the probability of catching an attacker in each and every district of the city is calculated.
Gildi A. D.

Keywords: teaching practice, foreign language teacher, professional competence, higher education

The results of the first teaching practice based on foreign language dapartment (of PetrSU) students' experience

The article describes the concept of teaching practice, reveals its goals, tasks and basic functions responsible for the formation of professional competence among future teachers. The article presents an analysis of the results of the teaching practice of 4th year students of the Institute of Foreign Languages of Petrozavodsk State University, due to which the problems encountered by the trainees in the first teaching practice and their reasons were identified.
Klishina A. S.

Keywords: errors, judicial practice, method of criminal encroachment, causing significant damage, robbery, theft

Problems of qualification on the grounds of the objective side of the corpus delicti

The article analyzes the problems of qualification errors made in the process of determining the signs of the objective side of the crime. The problems faced by the subjects of qualification are considered, some types of errors are analyzed and their examples are given. The result of the work is a number of proposals for solving the problem under consideration.
Mizausheva M. Z.

Keywords: alimony, parent, minor, criminal liability, administrative prejudice

Some problems of criminal liability for non-payment of funds for the maintenance of children

In Russia, children often remain without alimony. The question arises: are the measures of responsibility of non-payers of alimony effective? The article identifies the problems of criminal liability for non-payment of funds for the maintenance of children, suggests possible ways to solve them.
Kovalenko M. V.

Keywords: social competence, socialization, social intelligence, motivation, communication, self-regulation

Experience in creating and implementing a course of extracurricular activities of a social orientation "Communication"

The skills of social interaction among schoolchildren begin to weaken and lose over time. The lack of formation of social interaction skills can cause difficulties not only in academic and work activities, but also in everyday life. The article is devoted to the description of the experience of creating and implementing a course of extracurricular activities of a social orientation "Communication". During the development of this course, such methods as analysis and synthesis of theoretical material on the topic, questionnaires, testing (methods: achievement motivation test (A. Mehrabian), social intelligence test (J. Guilford test), conducting theoretical and practical classes were used.
Kononov D. V., Kochakov A. V.

Keywords: pyrolytic graphite, neutron monochromator, X-ray diffraction, mosaicity, HOPG defects

Approbation of a method for optimizing a monochromator based on HOPG

The article presents information on the correlation of neutron and X-ray mosaicity data for HOPG crystals. These data will improve the focusing efficiency of neutron monochromators. In the course of the work, it was found that the technique makes it possible to evaluate the suitability of HOPG crystals and that high-quality crystals are needed for the best approbation of the technique.
Zhuleva M. I.

Keywords: communication, dialect words, Orenburg words, modern educational space, Dictionary of V. I. Dahl, “Orenburg Regional Dictionary” B. A. Moiseev

The use of regional educational linguistic resources in the preparation of a language teacher

The author touches upon the issue of poverty and inexpressiveness of the speech of a modern person. The materials received in the course of observations of the speech of students of the Faculty of Philology are presented. The results of a survey aimed at identifying knowledge and using Orenburg words from the Dictionary of V. I. Dal, which was conducted with students of a pedagogical university, are reflected. The information presented in the article will be useful to employees of educational organizations, teachers, students, may be of interest to specialists involved in linguistic research.
Kashapova L. A.

Keywords: animal metaphor, zoonym, fox, animal tale, the Norwegian language

The image of fox in Norwegian culture

The aim of the research is to identify the features of the fox image in Norwegian tales and the characteristics of the animal metaphors. The Norwegian image of the fox has several specific features. It represents vigour, material well-being and satiety, as well as desire to achieve one’s goals.
Matveeva S. P.

Keywords: Horace, mythological image, poetics, Venus, Cupid, Graces, Mercury, Glyceria.

The mythological imagery of Horace's ode I, 30.

Antique culture to a large extent influenced the formation and development of European literature, so the study of its images does not lose its relevance. The article analyzes the mythological images of Horace's Ode I, 30 on the basis of the author's word-for-word translation.
Nikolaev A. A.

Keywords: Andrey Platonov, Soviet-Polish War, editorial, 1920, journalism

Coverage of the "Soviet-Polish War of 1920" by Andrey Platonov in the newspaper "Red Village"

The paper presents an analysis of Andrey Platonov's publications in the newspaper Krasnaya Derevnya. As a result of the study, it was possible to find an intersection in the content of the editorials of A. Platonov with the materials of the central press.
Savina R. Y.

Keywords: Baltic-Finnish languages, names of sports, word-formation analysis, deverbal nouns, meaning of suffixes

Deverbal nouns in the names of sports in Finnish, Karelian and Vepsian languages

The article considers with deverbal nouns related to the names of sports in the Finnish, Vepsian, Karelian languages. The purpose of the article is to analyze the names of sports in the those languages, which are formed by means of various suffixes.
Semenova A. A.

Keywords: semantic field, cold, hot, warm, temperature, equipolent opposition, contrasting distribution

Semantic field cold — hot in Russian: to the question

The article gives a primary description of the semantic field cold — hot in the Russian literary language and in North Russian dialects, in particular, in the dialects of Karelia. An attempt was made to construct a semantic field cold — hot.
Bogdanov A. A.

Keywords: Financial fraud, financial crime, cyberfraud, cybersecurity, fraudsters.

Prevention of Financial Fraud in Modern Russia

The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive overview of financial fraud, which includes financial crime and cyber fraud. The paper covers potential victims of financial fraud, types of cyberfraud, and technologies used by fraudsters.

Vol. 8, No 2

Kaminnaya J. S.

Keywords: Gustav III, Swedish Army, Russo-Swedish War, Stepan Apraksin

King Gustav III and his army as assessed by S. S. Apraksin, participant of the Russian-Swedish war of 1788—1790.

The study of human psychology and behavior under wartime circumstances is of enduring relevance. The aim of the article is to reveal specificity of behavior and activity of King Gustav III and his army in the Russian-Swedish war of 1788—1790 on the basis of diaries of Russian aristocrat S Apraksin.
Kirienko I. V.

Keywords: А. Я. Gurevich, E. V. Gutnova, A. I. Neusykhin, memoirs, Soviet medieval studies, strategies of evasion, subjectivation, Stalinism.

Strategies of Evasion: A. Yu. Gurevich's Academic Life in the Late Stalinist Era (1945—1953)

The subject of consideration is the special forms of avoidance and leveling of socio-political control, used by the Russian medievist A. Y. Gurevich at the early stage of his biography. The source base of the article is autobiographical memoirs of A. Y. Gurevich and E. V. Gutnova.
Obriadina E. I.

Keywords: Navy School, Solovetsky young men, the Great Patriotic War, everyday life of young men, Solovetsky Islands

Daily life of the students of the Solovetsky Young Students' School (1942-1945).

The author describes the process of arrangement of the Solovetsky Jung school. The analysis of the elements of students' daily life is carried out: housing, food, leisure. The cabin boys lived in conditions unsuitable for the development of a child, but corresponding to the circumstances of wartime.
Polutin V. Y.

Keywords: Russian Empire, Finland, Russification, government, public, Bobrikov

The Imperial Power and the Finnish Public in the Context of the Legislative Transformations of 1899—1904.

The article highlights the issue of the perception by the Russian authorities of the reaction of Finns to the legislative measures. Relying on the historical sources, as well as on scientific literature, the author traced the dynamics of changes in the Finnish policy during the period under study.
Sigaev D. V.

Keywords: Company, local air defense, Karelia, Great Patriotic War, 313th Rifle Division

Company of local air defense in the defense of Petrozavodsk during the Great Patriotic War

The local air defense company took part in the defense of Petrozavodsk. The purpose of the article is to study the specifics of the participation of the forces of the local air defense company in the defense of Petrozavodsk in September-October 1941.
Kuusela D. A.

Keywords: text attribution, establishment of authorship, lexical spectrum, approximation, information system «SMALT»

Analysis of lexical spectra of texts using mathematical methods

The article deals with the analysis of lexical spectra of texts using mathematical methods and computer technologies. In particular, the approximation of the values of lexical spectra of texts using a logarithmic curve is described.
Vorobyova V. M.

Keywords: Modeling, cavitation, ANSYS Fluent, wedge gate valve

Computer simulation of cavitation in a wedge gate valve in the ANSYS FLUENT environment

The article models the phenomenon of cavitation in ANSYS Fluent and examines the cavitation characteristics of a wedge gate valve. As a result, the experiment determined the beginning of cavitation and the maximum pressure drop that can be applied to the valve without its subsequent destruction.
Brodkin A. A.

Keywords: сriminology, criminological description, criminological prevention, determinants of crime, skoolshooting, Columbine

The Role of Determinants of Crime to Criminological Prevention of School shooting.

The article presents the results of the analysis of the biographies of domestic schoolshooters over the past decade and the available criminological works. On the basis of the data, the author offers his vision of the ways of building the criminological prevention of schoolshootting in Russia.
Deren V.

Keywords: administrative prejudice, special recidivism, repetition, administrative offense, crime

Administrative prejudice in the criminal law of the Russian Federation

The article raises the issue of the absence of fixing a special recidivism in the articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation with administrative prejudice, which puts persons with a criminal record in a privileged position in relation to persons subjected to administrative punishment.
Lyovin D. A.

Keywords: criminal procedure legislation, preventive measure, bail, bail amount, suspect, accused

Problems in determining the amount of bail in Russian criminal proceedings

The article deals with the criminal procedure measure of restraint in the form of bail. Measures to resolve existing problems, including proposals to improve the current criminal procedural legislation.
Osina D. S.

Keywords: juveniles, crime, criminal responsibility, compulsory educational measures, educational organizations

The role of a special closed educational institution in preventing the commission of juvenile offences

The article deals with the concepts of "juvenile", "special educational institution of closed type". The educational function of these institutions is outlined and the conclusion about their importance for the prevention of juvenile delinquency is made.
Suleymanov E. R.

Keywords: drug trafficking, Internet, investigation, crimes, international cooperation, data protection, legislation, technology, privacy, human rights

Problems of Investigating Illegal Drug Trafficking via the Internet

The fight against illegal drug trafficking is one of the state's top priorities. This article discusses the problems associated with the investigation of the illegal sale of drugs via the Internet, and offers recommendations for their solution.
Zolotova V. E.

Keywords: Zhukovsky, literature, Latin language, religious consciousness, worldview, borrowings, foreign language inclusions

Latinisms of religious content in the literary heritage of V. A. Zhukovsky

The issue of borrowing Latin expressions is currently insufficiently studied. This article attempts to identify and comment on references to the Latin untranslated religious text in the works of V. A. Zhukovsky.
Sokolov A. A.

Keywords: Russian Russian philosophy, Russian Schellingianism, circle of lovers of wisdom, Russian idealism, classical German philosophy

Russian «lubomudry»-Schellingians: philosophy in lyrics

The article analyzes the influence of the ideas of a prominent representative of German classical philosophy F. Schelling's influence on Russian romantic lyrics, in particular, on the poetry of S. Shevyrev (on the example of the poem "I am").
Krukunov S. A.

Keywords: Entrepreneurial ecosystem, effective analysis, ecological approach, business, "economic" co-evolution

Entrepreneurial ecosystem - a new business relationship model

The relevance of the topic is substantiated by the current trends in the world community towards the independent development of states. The question of the efficiency of using the model of entrepreneurial ecosystems is raised, as well as their goals, objectives, functions and types are considered.

Vol. 8, No 3

Malyshko A. A.

Keywords: student research, student scientific associations, training for research and teaching, general scientific competences

Student Scientific Society at Petrozavodsk State University: Legal Regulation and Collected Experience

Student scientific associations play a significant role in the modern system of Russian higher education. Performing the role of an "input filter" to science, they encourage students to engage in research and development and contribute to the educational, pedagogical, and career guidance work of the university. The Student Scientific Society of Petrozavodsk State University is the oldest student association of the university and the largest student scientific society in the Northwestern Federal District of Russia with impressive relevant experience. However, regulatory requirements for its activities has not been sufficiently studied, so they need to be analyzed, summarized and correlated with the existing organizational experience.
Aglyamov N. A.

Keywords: eparchial gazette, First World War, Tver Eparchy, church periodicals, content analysis

Great War of 1914–1918 on the Pages of the Tver Eparchial Gazette

The article presents the results of a content analysis of the issues of the Tver Eparchial Gazette published during the First World War. The study of the materials of church journalism revealed that the main task set by the editorial board of the Tver Eparchial Gazette was to strengthen the faith of the population and the active army in victory over the enemy.
Kirienko I. V.

Keywords: historical consciousness, ideological subtext, national political discourse, mental-ideological discourse, imperial discourse, structural-functional discourse, normalization, specialization, aestheticization

"Detraumatization Through Historicization" as an Optics for Historiographical Analysis of Ksenia Myalo's Work "National Apocalypse"

This article uses Jörn Rüsen's typology of historicization and the method of discourse analysis to examine Ksenia Myalo's work "National Apocalypse" (1993). The author outlines such strategies for overcoming the historical trauma of the dissolution of the USSR as normalization, aestheticization and specialization. It is concluded that the analysis of historical narrative oriented towards identifying the detraumatisation practices contributes to a deeper understanding of complex historical events and processes.
Raugiainen N. D.

Keywords: genealogy, Vodlozero, metric books, Vodlozero Ilyinsky parish, Vodlozero Prechistensky parish

Studying the Genealogy of Vodlozero Residents of the XVIII - Early XX Centuries

Genealogical research is now becoming increasingly popular and helps to learn more about the history of the family or native land, to understand the culture and life of previous generations. It helps to strengthen relationships with relatives and eventually leads to a more conscious manifestation of love for one's motherland. The article evaluates the opportunities for genealogical research accessible to the inhabitants of Vodlozero, determines the role of ethnographic research results in studying the genealogy of the inhabitants of this region, and analyzes the volume of available sources on the genealogy of the Vodlozero residents.
Tarasov S. M.

Keywords: Klin, Moscow province, uprising, counter-revolution, anti-Soviet underground

Unknown history: Anti-Soviet Underground in the City of Klin in the Moscow Province During the Civil War

The study addresses the Klin uprising of 1918 aiming to determine the role of the city underground in the uprising. Based on the materials of the investigation, historiography and other sources, the paper assesses the scale of counter-revolutionary sentiments in a provincial town near Moscow.
Vasilyev K. V.

Keywords: complaint, judicial control, criminal procedure legislation, judicial practice, procedural deadlines

Novels in the Legal Regulation of the Judicial Procedure for Consideration of Complaints (Article 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation)

The article analyzes recent legislative changes in Article 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation regulating the judicial procedure for consideration of complaints. The article positively evaluates the novelties in legal regulation. Based on the analysis of judicial practice, the author identifies new problems and proposes relevant solutions. In particular, for complaints that are not subject to court consideration it is suggested to limit the period for making a procedural decision to five days, and to specify that under Article 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation the subject of complaint consideration also includes decisions on moving a suspect or accused person from one detention facility to another.
Klishina A. S.

Keywords: self-employment, gig economy, tax regime, self-employment tax, taxation problems

Tax Regulation of Self-Employment in the Gig Economy: Challenges and Prospects in the Context of Digital Transformation

The article analyzes the phenomenon of self-employment in the gig economy and explores the methods of tax regulation of self-employment in the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan. The main problems faced by the tax authorities in the process of taxation of the self-employed are identified. The result of the study are proposals to simplify the tax regulation of income from this form of labor.
Ovakimian D. A.

Keywords: theft, fraud, computer information, deceit, breach of trust

Criminal and Legal Nature of Computer Fraud

The article addresses the special elements of computer fraud introduced in 2012 and raises the question of the legal nature of this type of crime. Based on the criminal law doctrine and judicial practice, it is concluded that there are no signs of fraud in the composition of the offence.
Feoktistov M. S.

Keywords: terrorist and extremist activities, social media, network analysis, criminal law constructs, legislation, data collection, crime prevention

Issues with Criminal Law Constructs of Terrorist and Extremist Offences in Social Networks

The article examines the issues with legal constructs aimed at combating terrorist offences in social networks. The author analyzes the impact of social networks on the dissemination of information, discusses the need to adapt laws to the online environment, and offers recommendation on effective crime suppression.
Shirokaya A. A.

Keywords: ferromagnetism, electron spin, gyromagnetic ratio, magnetic domains, exchange interaction

Evolution of Ideas About the Nature of Ferromagnetism

This article examines the formation of the theory of the nature of ferromagnetism. With the help of classical physics one can only depict and qualitatively explain the properties inherent in ferromagnets based on the knowledge of magnetic domains. A comprehensive view of ferromagnetism is impossible without the concept of spin. Thus, ferromagnetism can be fully described only from the standpoint of quantum theory.
Lavrenko A. R.

Keywords: Turgenev, Latin language, idiostyle, foreign-language insertion, classical education

Latin Figurative Expressions in Ivan Turgenev's Prose

The phenomenon of Latin insertions in the works of Russian authors has not been sufficiently studied so far. The research was aimed at analyzing Latin quotes and insertions in Ivan Turgenev's works, including Fathers and Sons, The Torrents of Spring, Phantoms and Memories of Nikolay Stankevich, and to determine their role in the author's poetics.
Fedosova V. A.

Keywords: northern Russian dialects, dialectal lexicon, pine, linguistic culture, language picture of the world

Pine and Pine Forest in Northern Russian Dialects

The article addresses the nominations of pine and pine forest in the dialects of the Russian North. The author presents a classification of such nominations identified in the dictionaries on the basis of semantic features characterizing the age of the tree, the place and features of its growth, wood quality, density and size of pine forest, and other parameters.
Vishnevsky A. R.

Keywords: decentralized power supply, renewable energy sources, resonant wind turbine, gravity battery, air-based wind turbines

Creating a Hybrid Power Plant as a Way to Improve the Reliability and Quality of Power Supply in Territorially Isolated Areas

The article investigates one of the ways to improve the functional efficiency and ensure sustainable power supply of decentralized energy systems while minimizing their hazardous effects on the environment in case of natural and man-made emergencies. The aim of the study was to find options for solving the problem of power supply to consumers in territorially isolated areas, and the objective was to propose a power supply system that would improve the reliability and quality of power supply in such areas.
Zaitsev A. A., Koleda D. A.

Keywords: relay protection and automation, hardware and software complex, database, RPA complex, reliability, analysis algorithm

Development of an Automated System for Monitoring and Analyzing the Functioning of Relay Protection and Automation of Distribution Substations

The article discusses the basic principles and requirements for the construction of automated algorithms for analyzing the actions of the relay protection and automation complex in case of accidents at distribution substations. The paper describes main problems arising in the analysis of such accidents and ways of using the system being developed to solve them.
Sankin A. V., Pushkar D. A.

Keywords: relay protection and automation, real-time operating system, hardware-software complex, digital twin, microprocessor terminal, MatLab, LabView, simulation

Using HIL Simulation for the Development of Protection and Automation Complexes of Electric Power Systems

This paper investigates the main possibilities for using hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation for the development of protection and automation complexes of electric power systems, describes implementation of a number of models of the relay protection and automation complex models, as well as organization and optimization of their combined work. To confirm the development results, a microprocessor-based device was tested using a full-featured hardware-software complex ready for application and scaling.

Vol. 8, No 4

Malyshko A. A.

Keywords: student research work, student scientific society, youth science and technology, Antonina Lantratova

Antonina Stepanovna Lantratova's Role as Research and Development Curator at Petrozavodsk State University

This article commemorates the 100th anniversary of Antonina Stepanovna Lantratova, a highly regarded international dendrologist who served as the curator of the University's Research and Development Center for an extended period of time. This included overseeing the Student Scientific Society and the annual Student Scientific Conference. However, not much is known about Lantratova's administrative work. The author of this study believes that the findings, which were obtaned from analyzing archival sources, periodicals, Lantratova's publications, and the memoirs of contemporaries, could prove useful in enhancing the coordination of research and development activities.
Germanova M. A.

Keywords: aquaculture, intestinal microbiome, normal microflora, rainbow trout, autobiotic species

Assessment of Rainbow Trout Intestinal Microflora Diversity for the Identification of Promising Autobiotic Species

Normal intestinal microflora is one of the main factors in the formation of the organism's resistance to changing environmental conditions. A change in its bacterial composition leads to a decrease in immunity. One of the most biosafe options for solving the problem is the use of autobiotics. The study of biodiversity and properties of potential autobiotic species is associated with the creation of specific microbial collections of normoflorals. The study identified dominant species of rainbow trout gut eubiosis, determined their share in the community, and evaluated their role in the development of immune response.
Zlobin D. P.

Keywords: phyllophages, pests, nemoral flora, leaf damage, parks, Petrozavodsk

Pests of Nemoral Flora in Petrozavodsk Parks

This article presents the findings of a study of arthropod pests that cause leaf damage to four nemoral species of woody plants (Ulmus glabra, Ulmus laevis, Tilia cordata, and Quercus robur) in the large parks of the city of Petrozavodsk. From 2021 to 2023, there were registered over 23 species of arthropod phytophages during the growing season. Various types of damage, such as galls, mines, twisting, and gnawing, were identified on the studied tree species. U. laevis trees were found to be the most affected by phyllophages, T. cordata had a high number of registered herbivorous mites, and Q. robur exhibited the highest resistance to pests.
Kirillova E. V.

Keywords: epiphytic lichen cover, mining industry, Hypocenomyce scalaris, Parmeliopsis ambigua, Micarea melaena

The Epiphytic Lichen Cover in the Vicinity of the Existing Suna Diabase Deposit Quarry

A study was conducted using the sample area method to examine the epiphytic lichen cover in the immediate vicinity of a mining plant. The findings revealed that under the pollution conditions, 25% of the known total species diversity of pine epiphytes for southern Karelia were present. It was observed that the general characteristics of the lichen cover remained unchanged regardless of tree parameters and community condition. However, the cover of the scaly lichen Hypocenomyce scalaris was significantly higher on the southern exposure facing the plant. Additionally, among the dominant species in the epiphytic cover there were identified such species as Parmeliopsis ambigua and Micarea melaena, which displayed resistance to pollution.
Turok S. M.

Keywords: Epilithic lichens, species diversity, Kivach Nature Reserve, Munozersky Ridge, Sundozero

Species Diversity of Epilithic Lichens Within Rock Plant Communities in the Kivach Nature Reserve (Republic of Karelia)

This article presents the findings of the lichenological study of two different biotopes: the coastal areas of Lake Sundozero and Rudnik Island, and the forested Munozersky Ridge within the Kivach State Nature Reserve. In total, 86 lichen species were identified, with the majority belonging to the epilithic ecological group and displaying leafy or scaly life forms. These species were classified into 15 orders, 28 families, and 45 genera. Notably, 4 species were discovered for the first time in the Republic of Karelia, while 17 species were recorded for the first time within the Kivach Nature Reserve. Furthermore, the Collema nigrescens, Menegazzia terebrata and Cetrelia cetrarioides species were designated as endangered and included in the Red Book of the Republic of Karelia.
Sidorova E. M.

Keywords: pearls, pearl jewelry, special weaving techniques, significance of pearls, traditional costume

Techniques of Making Traditional Pearl Jewelry

This article explores the rich history of Karelian pearls and delves into the techniques and tools used to extract, process, and incorporate them into traditional crafts. A significant focus of the research is on identifying the variety of these precious items found in local museum collections, as well as studying the intricate methods used in crafting decorative and functional artifacts like butterfly earrings, net-bottom pieces, and wreaths. The paper also sheds light on the unique art of pearl weaving and the significance these items hold.
Shevchenko O. V.

Keywords: traditional artistic craftsmanship, embroidery, Pomor goldwork embroidery, embroidery method, povoinik

Traditional Technology of Goldwork Embroidery in the Republic of Karelia

This article focuses on the resurgence of goldwork embroidery as a distinctive form of artistic craftsmanship. It delves into the rich history of goldwork embroidery and its application in the headdresses of the Karelian Pomors, emphasizing the utilization of traditional craft techniques. Special emphasis is placed on the intricate methods and unique characteristics of embroidering with metallized gilded or silver threads.
Antonov A. D.

Keywords: "challenge and response" theory, Arnold Toynbee, Alexander I, Pavel I, military reforms, Russian army

The Application of Arnold Toynbee's Theory of "Challenge and Response" in Analyzing Alexander I's Military Reforms

This paper attempts to provide a fresh perspective on the military reforms that took place in the Russian Empire during the early 19th century through the lens of the "challenge and response" theory by the English historian Arnold Toynbee. In our opinion, these ongoing military changes were a direct response from Alexander I and his associates to both external and internal challenges. As a result, the Russian army underwent partial modernization in order to address these challenges. This compromise led to the adoption of a mixed organizational model that combined elements of the French army's innovative military practices with remnants of the feudal system within the Russian army.
Eloshin D. A.

Keywords: Finnish occupation, forced deportation, non-combatants, demography of Karelia

Forced Relocation of the Leningrad Region Population to Karelia by Finnish Troops in 1941

The number of individuals who lost their lives in Karelia during the Finnish occupation has been a subject of debate among those who study Karelian history. A solution to this inquiry requires examining the population growth in the occupied region, which occurred due to the relocation of people from the Leningrad region to occupied Karelia. By analyzing population censuses and testimonies from prisoners of concentration camps, the author deduces that a significant portion of the Soviet citizens forcibly removed from the Leningrad region were settled in Karelian villages and detainment facilities.
Lobanova P. E.

Keywords: free hired labour, forest industry, Komi seasonal peasants, forestry artels, forestry organisations, timber exports

Organization of Logging Operations in the Komi Region During the Pre-Revolutionary Period

This article examines the working practices of seasonal peasants involved in logging based on the analysis of published sources. It reveals the quantitative and social composition of these workers, along with the unique labor and everyday life conditions they faced. The author also characterizes the entrepreneurial associations within the timber industry that began operating in the Komi region. The article concludes that logging in the Komi region was export-oriented during the pre-revolutionary period, playing a central role in the local economy. Furthermore, it highlights that the local population worked exclusively on a self-employed basis and experienced challenging working and living conditions during forestry work.
Neelov A. P.

Keywords: housing construction, large-panel housing construction, architects, general plan, residential neighborhood, landscaping, layout

Housing Construction in the City of Petrozavodsk During the Brezhnev Era

The construction history of the city of Petrozavodsk during the 1960s to early 1980s holds significant and captivating facts that remain relevant today. It is crucial to understand the reasons and factors that contributed to the rapid growth of urban development during this time in Petrozavodsk, while also considering the distinct characteristics and consequences of new urban areas. By studying the experiences of the Karelian Republic's capital, the paper uncovers both accomplishments and challenges in Karelia's construction industry during the specified period. Despite a number of deficiencies and the necessity to preserve temporary barrack-type housing, the city expanded and created distinctive neighborhoods, partially resolving the demographic problem.
Raugiainen N.

Keywords: genealogy, Ingrian Finns, census lists, Leningrad region occupation, vähemusrahvuste nimekirjad

German Census of 1941–1943 as a Source for the Genealogy of Ingrian Finns

The process of conducting a census among ethnic minorities of the Leningrad region by the German services during the Great Patriotic War has been practically unexplored before. This article delves into the importance of the compiled lists from said census for the study of genealogy among Ingermanlanders. These lists are of considerable value and are more accessible when compared to other sources, with only negligible inconsistencies, rendering them highly informative and efficacious for genealogical research.
Maslova A. O.

Keywords: factorization machines, Polya-Gamma distribution, Gibbs sampling, Bayesian approach

Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods for Factorization Machine Learning

This paper presents a new approach for training factorization machines with the logistic activation function based on a special version of the Gibbs sampling incorporating additional variables with the Polya-Gamma distribution. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method, numerical experiments were performed on both synthetic and real data. The results of these experiments indicate that the developed method can be used for various practical machine learning tasks, including recommendation systems.
Marchenko N.

Keywords: atherosclerosis, inflammasome, interleukin 1ß, NLRP-3, canakinumab, residual risk

New Aspects of Treatment of Atherosclerosis as an Inflammatory Disease: A Review

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. Despite the success of modern therapies for atherosclerosis (AS), there are still patients with residual risk. To develop new therapies, AS has come to be viewed as an inflammatory disease in which inflammasomes play a key role. The purpose of this article is to conduct a literature review on the importance of inflammasomes in AS and a new therapy for AS. Clinical trials are currently showing the efficacy of new treatments, but more research is needed to fully address this concept.
Sokolova B. E.

Keywords: data markup, tag features, binary features, risk calculation, prognosis, chromosomal abnormalities

Markup of Medical Texts for Developing a Screening System to Predict the Risk of Fetal Chromosomal Abnormalities

This article examines various methods for the markup of anonymized clinical data and presents features derived from a medical literature review that can be used to calculate the risk of fetal chromosomal abnormalities. Additionally, the article gives a detailed description of the binary and tagged features and proposes algorithms for performing the markup using Microsoft Excel and Label Studio tool.
Golovanova E. R.

Keywords: modernization, conservative concept of modernization, globalization, world order, cultural identity

Characteristics of Conservative Interpretation of Modernization: A Case Study of Samuel Huntington's Conceptual Framework

Modernization is an essential component of human development and encompasses various aspects of social life. It necessitates adherence to specific conditions in order to ensure stability within nations amidst globalization and the establishment of a new world order. This study aims to assess the significance of Huntington's conservative concept of modernization within the framework of the globalization era. To achieve this, comparative and historical analysis methods are employed. Through an examination of Huntington's early and late works, the principal criteria for modernization and the continued relevance of this concept are determined.
Yurusov E. E.

Keywords: Arctic, Foreign Policy Concept, Russian interests, Northern Sea Route, Arctic resources

Place and Role of the Arctic Region in the 2023 Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation

The article examines the role of the Arctic region in Russia's foreign policy. The study aims to analyze the role of the Arctic region in Russia's 2023 Foreign Policy Concept. Various methods, including analyzing official documents and making comparisons, are used. These approaches help reassess Russia's foreign policy in terms of both economy and ecology, while also evaluating Moscow's stance on its presence in the region. The findings of the study reveal a range of both detrimental and beneficial factors that Russia may encounter in the Arctic area.
Bagaeva D. S.

Keywords: substantial mistake, mistake in nature of a transaction, mistake in motives, causality criterion, judicial practice, inexcusable mistake, unrecognizability of mistake, good faith of the counterparty

Invalidation of Transactions Influenced by Delusion

The author explores the issue of the significance of delusion in relation to other factors that can render a transaction invalid and substantiates the necessity to consider these factors within the specific context of each situation, taking into account the individual characteristics of the parties involved. The author suggests that the Supreme Court's stance on the nature of the transaction needs to be reevaluated, and a more comprehensive explanation of the essence of delusion and its various types should be developed based on recent judicial practices and established doctrines.
Sidorova E. Y.

Keywords: forest fires, legal mechanism, forest protection, firefighting, legal measures, subventions

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Executive Authorities in Forest Fire Protection: A Legal Perspective

Ensuring adequate protection of forests from fires remains an increasingly intricate challenge each year. This article evaluates how effectively authorized executive authorities are tackling this issue and scrutinizes financial, legal, and organizational measures aimed at establishing a more efficient system for planning and enforcing firefighting initiatives, which could reduce the occurrence of forest fires.
Belinskaya E. D.

Keywords: psychological separation, separation processes, psychological well-being, conflictual separation, emotional separation, attitudinal separation, functional separation

Separation from Parents: Key Features and Impact on Students' Psychological Well-Being

The concept of separation is a complex and challenging topic in the field of psychology and psychotherapy. This article shares the findings of a study conducted to examine the characteristics of separation from parents and its impact on the psychological well-being of students. The research utilized two questionnaires, namely J.A. Hoffman's Psychological Separation Inventory and C.D. Ryff's Scales of Psychological Well-Being, and involved 27 students. From the gathered data, it was discovered that greater separation from father was associated with a lower level of psychological well-being.
Eivazova A. K.

Keywords: cognitive interests, pedagogical conditions, foreign language, interactive methods, educational process, schoolchildren

Development of Educational and Cognitive Interests in Schoolchildren for Foreign Language Acquisition

This article explores the idea of educational and cognitive interest from the viewpoint of Russian researchers and uncovers the pedagogical factors that contribute to the successful cultivation of schoolchildren's interest in foreign language classes. It presents the findings of a diagnostic study and provides an analysis to identify the most prominent educational and cognitive interests of students, as well as interactive approaches that foster the development of interest and motivation among schoolchildren towards foreign language learning.
Voitenko I. A.

Keywords: cynological service, service dog, penal system, Federal Penitentiary Service, canine specialist

Characteristics of Cynological Service Work Within Correctional Institutions

This article examines the unique aspects of using service dogs in the cynological units of the penal system. The importance of this topic is justified by the fact that the cynological service plays a crucial role in addressing operational and service challenges faced by penal institutions. The study is based on the analysis of regulatory documents and specialized scientific literature that regulate the procedures for implementing the cynological service. It is concluded that it is necessary to carry out the selection, training programs, and training of service dogs in accordance with the legal framework.
Ilmast Y. N., Matrosova S. V.

Keywords: aquaculture, insect larvae, Hermetia illucens, rainbow trout, fish feeds, recirculating aquaculture systems, RAS, fish farming

Using Insect Larvae as a Component in Rainbow Trout Feeds

This article examines the utilization of Black Soldier Fly larvae as a feed source for rainbow trout in enclosed water supply systems. It presents information regarding the nutritional value of Black Soldier Fly larvae and explores their potential application in fish farming. The experimental results demonstrate the beneficial impact of incorporating Black Soldier Fly grubs into the feed, as evidenced by the increased growth rate of fish body weight, which is further supported by the feed coefficient indicators.
Larchenko A. A.

Keywords: competitiveness, competitive advantage, hospitality industry, restaurant service, catering enterprise, hotel enterprise

Restaurant Service as a Factor of Competitiveness of Hotel Enterprises

The hospitality industry is a highly important and rapidly growing sector of the economy. As a result, competition within this field is also steadily on the rise. This paper focuses on exploring the significance of restaurant service in enhancing the competitiveness of hotel enterprises. It is vital to recognize that the quality of service and the variety of services offered, not only within the hotel, but also in the restaurant, can greatly influence guest satisfaction levels and impact their choice of accommodation. To conduct this study, a combination of analysis, synthesis, and comparison research methods were employed.
Sharlaev A. S., Larionov D. N.

Keywords: lithium-ion battery, cathode material, nanofibers, electrospinning, vanadium oxides

Cathode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries Based on Vanadium Oxide Nanofibers

This paper explores the potential of utilizing vanadium oxide nanofibers produced by electrospinning as a cathode material for lithium-ion batteries. The study investigates the electrochemical properties of cathodes containing nanofibers that consist of varying proportions of vanadium dioxide and vanadium pentaoxide phases. The findings indicate that the most favorable material for cathode production is nanofibers composed of a blend of vanadium oxide phases, with a V4+ to V5+ ion ratio of 80:20.
Mikhailova A. D.

Keywords: epithet, epithet functions, poetic language, Trediakovsky, Lomonosov, individual author's worldview

Epithets in the Eighteenth-Century Lyric Poetry

This article examines the role of epithets in the works of 18th century poets, specifically Vasily Trediakovsky and Mikhail Lomonosov. The aim of the study is to analyze the functions of epithets in Trediakovsky's translation of the French novel Journey to the Island of Love and Lomonosov's epistle "Letter Concerning the Usefulness of Glass". A total of 330 epithets were analyzed. The findings suggest that both authors employed both literal and metaphorical meanings of words to depict various images, phenomena, and objects.
Ekova E. S.

Keywords: northern Russian dialect, Belozerye, specific dialect system, phonetic dialectal differences, dialectal lexemes, local linguistic studies

"The Kingdom of the Goldfish" Through the Prism of Local Linguistic Studies

This article focuses on the phonetic and lexical dialect variations in the dialect system of Kisnemsky settlement, located in the Vashkinsky District of the Vologda Region. The author considers the impact of Baltic-Finnish languages on the local dialect by incorporating historical information about Belozerye, a particularly important region in the Russian North. The main finding of the research is that the vernacular of Kisnemsky settlement primarily consists of Russian vocabulary, and its phonetic system corresponds to the vocalism and consonantism typical of northern Russia.
Krikunov S. A., Muravikhin N. A.

Keywords: political alliance, economic partnership, Russia, China, geoeconomics, international relations, foreign policy

Assessing the Nature of Russia-China Relations: Political Alliance or Economic Partnership?

The Russian government's strategy of pivoting the economy towards enhanced cooperation with Eastern countries serves as the foundation for analyzing the dynamics in Russia-China relations and understanding their true nature. This study addresses the aspects of equitable treatment and mutual benefits, as well as controversial and contradictory situations. The findings reveal that China shows a clear interest in broadening their extensive connections with Russia, yet it does not intend to forsake cooperation with other influential actors, notably the US and the EU.
Krikunov S. A.

Keywords: philanthropy, socially oriented development, public support, social responsibility, charitable foundations, economy, charitable donation, charity project

The Role of Philanthropy in Russia's Socioeconomic Development

This article delves into the significance of charity in the socially-conscious development of the Russian economy, encompassing its effects on education, science, business, social integration, and the alleviation of social tension. The author comes to the conclusion that, within the Russian economy's framework, charity does not have a strategic role, with charitable initiatives merely yielding a minor boost to social capital. However, the author places emphasis on the vital importance of fostering effective partnerships between government agencies and charitable organizations as a key factor in advancing the Russian economy.
Muravikhin N. A.

Keywords: economy, protectionism, Russian Empire, import substitution, domestic market

Implementation of Protectionism in Russia's Economic Policy During the 17th–19th Сenturies

The Russian economy has been experiencing a form of limited economic isolation for quite some time. As a result, the government has put a strong emphasis on promoting the import substitution program, which is closely associated with protectionism. The aim of this article is to examine Russia's trade and customs policies from the 17th to the 19th centuries. The objectives are to evaluate Russia's economic performance during specific historical periods and draw conclusions regarding the effectiveness of the government's measures. The findings from this research can be used in developing economic models that take into account historical experiences.