Scientific article

UDK 336.221


Alina S. Klishina
bachelor’s degree, Saratov State Law Academy
(Saratov, Russia),

Tax Regulation of Self-Employment in the Gig Economy: Challenges and Prospects in the Context of Digital Transformation

Scientific adviser:
Natalia B. Ostrovskaya
Paper submitted on: 06/20/2023;
Accepted on: 09/28/2023;
Published online on: 09/30/2023.
Abstract. The article analyzes the phenomenon of self-employment in the gig economy and explores the methods of tax regulation of self-employment in the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan. The main problems faced by the tax authorities in the process of taxation of the self-employed are identified. The result of the study are proposals to simplify the tax regulation of income from this form of labor.
Keywords: self-employment, gig economy, tax regime, self-employment tax, taxation problems

For citation: Klishina, A. S. Tax Regulation of Self-Employment in the Gig Economy: Challenges and Prospects in the Context of Digital Transformation. StudArctic forum. 2023, 8 (3): 59–65.


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