Vol. 8, No 4: 103–109.

Computer Science and Informatics


Scientific article

UDK 519.226


Arina O. Maslova
master’s degree, Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russia),

Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods for Factorization Machine Learning

Scientific adviser:
Oleg V. Lukashenko
Roman V. Voronov
Paper submitted on: 11/06/2023;
Accepted on: 11/28/2023;
Published online on: 12/01/2023.
Abstract. This paper presents a new approach for training factorization machines with the logistic activation function based on a special version of the Gibbs sampling incorporating additional variables with the Polya-Gamma distribution. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method, numerical experiments were performed on both synthetic and real data. The results of these experiments indicate that the developed method can be used for various practical machine learning tasks, including recommendation systems.
Keywords: factorization machines, Polya-Gamma distribution, Gibbs sampling, Bayesian approach

For citation: Maslova, A. O. Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods for Factorization Machine Learning. StudArctic forum. 2023, 8 (4): 103–109.


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