Vol. 8, No 1: 37–48.

Physical Sciences


Scientific article

UDK 538.9


Danila V. Kononov
bachelor’s degree, Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russia),
Alexey V. Kochakov
bachelor’s degree, Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russia),

Approbation of a method for optimizing a monochromator based on HOPG

Scientific adviser:
Dmitry V. Loginov
Paper submitted on: 12/16/2022;
Accepted on: 01/28/2023;
Published online on: 04/15/2023.
Abstract. The article presents information on the correlation of neutron and X-ray mosaicity data for HOPG crystals. These data will improve the focusing efficiency of neutron monochromators. In the course of the work, it was found that the technique makes it possible to evaluate the suitability of HOPG crystals and that high-quality crystals are needed for the best approbation of the technique.
Keywords: pyrolytic graphite, neutron monochromator, X-ray diffraction, mosaicity, HOPG defects

For citation: Kononov, D. V., Kochakov, A. V. Approbation of a method for optimizing a monochromator based on HOPG. StudArctic forum. 2023, 8 (1): 37–48.


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