Vol. 8, No 3: 98–105.

Energy and electrical engineering


Scientific article

UDK 620.9


Arseniy R. Vishnevsky
bachelor's degree, Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russia),

Creating a Hybrid Power Plant as a Way to Improve the Reliability and Quality of Power Supply in Territorially Isolated Areas

Scientific adviser:
Denis E. Petrushin
Paper submitted on: 07/05/2023;
Accepted on: 09/28/2023;
Published online on: 09/30/2023.
Abstract. The article investigates one of the ways to improve the functional efficiency and ensure sustainable power supply of decentralized energy systems while minimizing their hazardous effects on the environment in case of natural and man-made emergencies. The aim of the study was to find options for solving the problem of power supply to consumers in territorially isolated areas, and the objective was to propose a power supply system that would improve the reliability and quality of power supply in such areas.
Keywords: decentralized power supply, renewable energy sources, resonant wind turbine, gravity battery, air-based wind turbines

For citation: Vishnevsky, A. R. Creating a Hybrid Power Plant as a Way to Improve the Reliability and Quality of Power Supply in Territorially Isolated Areas. StudArctic forum. 2023, 8 (3): 98–105.


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