Vol. 8, No 1: 33–36.



Scientific article

UDK 159.9


Margarita V. Kovalenko
bachelor’s degree, Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russia),

Experience in creating and implementing a course of extracurricular activities of a social orientation "Communication"

Scientific adviser:
Elena O. Burachevskaya
Paper submitted on: 12/30/2022;
Accepted on: 01/04/2023;
Published online on: 04/15/2023.
Abstract. The skills of social interaction among schoolchildren begin to weaken and lose over time. The lack of formation of social interaction skills can cause difficulties not only in academic and work activities, but also in everyday life. The article is devoted to the description of the experience of creating and implementing a course of extracurricular activities of a social orientation "Communication". During the development of this course, such methods as analysis and synthesis of theoretical material on the topic, questionnaires, testing (methods: achievement motivation test (A. Mehrabian), social intelligence test (J. Guilford test), conducting theoretical and practical classes were used.
Keywords: social competence, socialization, social intelligence, motivation, communication, self-regulation

For citation: Kovalenko, M. V. Experience in creating and implementing a course of extracurricular activities of a social orientation "Communication". StudArctic forum. 2023, 8 (1): 33–36.

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