Vol. 8, No 4: 125–131.

Political Science and Regional Studies


Scientific article

UDK 304.5


Elizaveta R. Golovanova
bachelor's degree, Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russia),

Characteristics of Conservative Interpretation of Modernization: A Case Study of Samuel Huntington's Conceptual Framework

Scientific adviser:
Elena I. Chernenkova
Varvara Inozemtсeva
Paper submitted on: 11/09/2023;
Accepted on: 11/28/2023;
Published online on: 12/01/2023.
Abstract. Modernization is an essential component of human development and encompasses various aspects of social life. It necessitates adherence to specific conditions in order to ensure stability within nations amidst globalization and the establishment of a new world order. This study aims to assess the significance of Huntington's conservative concept of modernization within the framework of the globalization era. To achieve this, comparative and historical analysis methods are employed. Through an examination of Huntington's early and late works, the principal criteria for modernization and the continued relevance of this concept are determined.
Keywords: modernization, conservative concept of modernization, globalization, world order, cultural identity

For citation: Golovanova, E. R. Characteristics of Conservative Interpretation of Modernization: A Case Study of Samuel Huntington's Conceptual Framework. StudArctic forum. 2023, 8 (4): 125–131.


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