Vol. 8, No 4: 174–181.

Agricultural Sciences


Scientific article

UDK 636.74


Irina A. Voitenko
bachelor’s degree, Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russia),

Characteristics of Cynological Service Work Within Correctional Institutions

Scientific adviser:
Larisa N. Muravya
Valeria Y. Sirotinina
Paper submitted on: 09/27/2023;
Accepted on: 11/28/2023;
Published online on: 12/01/2023.
Abstract. This article examines the unique aspects of using service dogs in the cynological units of the penal system. The importance of this topic is justified by the fact that the cynological service plays a crucial role in addressing operational and service challenges faced by penal institutions. The study is based on the analysis of regulatory documents and specialized scientific literature that regulate the procedures for implementing the cynological service. It is concluded that it is necessary to carry out the selection, training programs, and training of service dogs in accordance with the legal framework.
Keywords: cynological service, service dog, penal system, Federal Penitentiary Service, canine specialist

For citation: Voitenko, I. A. Characteristics of Cynological Service Work Within Correctional Institutions. StudArctic forum. 2023, 8 (4): 174–181.


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