Scientific article

UDK 343.2


Milana Z. Mizausheva
specialist degree, Saratov State Law Academy
(Saratov, Russia),

Some problems of criminal liability for non-payment of funds for the maintenance of children

Scientific adviser:
Oksana Y. Krasovskaya
Paper submitted on: 04/04/2023;
Accepted on: 04/10/2023;
Published online on: 04/15/2023.
Abstract. In Russia, children often remain without alimony. The question arises: are the measures of responsibility of non-payers of alimony effective? The article identifies the problems of criminal liability for non-payment of funds for the maintenance of children, suggests possible ways to solve them.
Keywords: alimony, parent, minor, criminal liability, administrative prejudice

For citation: Mizausheva, M. Z. Some problems of criminal liability for non-payment of funds for the maintenance of children. StudArctic forum. 2023, 8 (1): 29–32.

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