Vol. 8, No 1: 83–90.



Scientific article

UDK 343.72


Artyom A. Bogdanov
bachelor’s degree, Northern Institute of the All-Russian State University of Justice
(Petrozavodsk, Russia),

Prevention of Financial Fraud in Modern Russia

Scientific adviser:
Nikolay V. Levkin
Anastasia A. Shljamina
Paper submitted on: 03/30/2023;
Accepted on: 03/31/2023;
Published online on: 04/15/2023.
Abstract. The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive overview of financial fraud, which includes financial crime and cyber fraud. The paper covers potential victims of financial fraud, types of cyberfraud, and technologies used by fraudsters.
Keywords: Financial fraud, financial crime, cyberfraud, cybersecurity, fraudsters.

For citation: Bogdanov, A. A. Prevention of Financial Fraud in Modern Russia. StudArctic forum. 2023, 8 (1): 83–90.

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