2023. Vol. 8 , No 4

The 100th Аnniversary of Antonina S. Lantratova

Malyshko A. A.Antonina Stepanovna Lantratova's Role as Research and Development Curator at Petrozavodsk State University
Displays: 366; Downloads: 94;
3 - 11
Germanova M. A.Assessment of Rainbow Trout Intestinal Microflora Diversity for the Identification of Promising Autobiotic Species
Displays: 283; Downloads: 114;
12 - 19
Zlobin D. P.Pests of Nemoral Flora in Petrozavodsk Parks
Displays: 360; Downloads: 67;
20 - 30
Kirillova E. V.The Epiphytic Lichen Cover in the Vicinity of the Existing Suna Diabase Deposit Quarry
Displays: 206; Downloads: 68;
31 - 38
Turok S. M.Species Diversity of Epilithic Lichens Within Rock Plant Communities in the Kivach Nature Reserve (Republic of Karelia)
Displays: 264; Downloads: 118;
39 - 46

Decorative and Applied Arts

Sidorova E. M.Techniques of Making Traditional Pearl Jewelry
Displays: 384; Downloads: 59;
47 - 52
Shevchenko O. V.Traditional Technology of Goldwork Embroidery in the Republic of Karelia
Displays: 301; Downloads: 63;
53 - 58


Antonov A. D.The Application of Arnold Toynbee's Theory of "Challenge and Response" in Analyzing Alexander I's Military Reforms
Displays: 360; Downloads: 105;
59 - 66
Eloshin D. A.Forced Relocation of the Leningrad Region Population to Karelia by Finnish Troops in 1941
Displays: 417; Downloads: 101;
67 - 76
Lobanova P. E.Organization of Logging Operations in the Komi Region During the Pre-Revolutionary Period
Displays: 270; Downloads: 77;
77 - 87
Neelov A. P.Housing Construction in the City of Petrozavodsk During the Brezhnev Era
Displays: 432; Downloads: 68;
88 - 95
Raugiainen N.German Census of 1941–1943 as a Source for the Genealogy of Ingrian Finns
Displays: 643; Downloads: 75;
96 - 102

Computer Science and Informatics

Maslova A. O.Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods for Factorization Machine Learning
Displays: 318; Downloads: 92;
103 - 109

Medical Sciences

Marchenko N.New Aspects of Treatment of Atherosclerosis as an Inflammatory Disease: A Review
Displays: 1258; Downloads: 472;
110 - 117
Sokolova B. E.Markup of Medical Texts for Developing a Screening System to Predict the Risk of Fetal Chromosomal Abnormalities
Displays: 201; Downloads: 58;
118 - 124

Political Science and Regional Studies

Golovanova E. R.Characteristics of Conservative Interpretation of Modernization: A Case Study of Samuel Huntington's Conceptual Framework
Displays: 412; Downloads: 91;
125 - 131
Yurusov E. E.Place and Role of the Arctic Region in the 2023 Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation
Displays: 438; Downloads: 80;
132 - 137


Bagaeva D. S.Invalidation of Transactions Influenced by Delusion
Displays: 468; Downloads: 80;
138 - 148
Sidorova E. Y.Evaluating the Effectiveness of Executive Authorities in Forest Fire Protection: A Legal Perspective
Displays: 259; Downloads: 67;
149 - 157

Psychology and Education Sciences

Belinskaya E. D.Separation from Parents: Key Features and Impact on Students' Psychological Well-Being
Displays: 1119; Downloads: 104;
158 - 167
Eivazova A. K.Development of Educational and Cognitive Interests in Schoolchildren for Foreign Language Acquisition
Displays: 308; Downloads: 59;
168 - 173

Agricultural Sciences

Voitenko I. A.Characteristics of Cynological Service Work Within Correctional Institutions
Displays: 1695; Downloads: 84;
174 - 181
Ilmast Y. N., Matrosova S. V.Using Insect Larvae as a Component in Rainbow Trout Feeds
Displays: 691; Downloads: 88;
182 - 188

Tourism and Service

Larchenko A. A.Restaurant Service as a Factor of Competitiveness of Hotel Enterprises
Displays: 653; Downloads: 99;
189 - 196

Physical Sciences

Sharlaev A. S., Larionov D. N.Cathode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries Based on Vanadium Oxide Nanofibers
Displays: 242; Downloads: 97;
197 - 203


Mikhailova A. D.Epithets in the Eighteenth-Century Lyric Poetry
Displays: 381; Downloads: 68;
204 - 211
Ekova E. S."The Kingdom of the Goldfish" Through the Prism of Local Linguistic Studies
Displays: 271; Downloads: 70;
212 - 216


Krikunov S. A., Muravikhin N. A.Assessing the Nature of Russia-China Relations: Political Alliance or Economic Partnership?
Displays: 323; Downloads: 87;
217 - 224
Krikunov S. A.The Role of Philanthropy in Russia's Socioeconomic Development
Displays: 748; Downloads: 291;
225 - 240
Muravikhin N. A.Implementation of Protectionism in Russia's Economic Policy During the 17th–19th Сenturies
Displays: 693; Downloads: 58;
241 - 250