No 2 (22), 2021


Tihonov A.Features of the civil architecture of the Pryazhinsky Karelians based on the materials of the 1979-1980 expeditions
Displays: 969; Downloads: 179;

Biological Sciences

Britikov A. I.Daily activity of the red forest ant (Formica rufa Linnaeus, 1761) and the northern forest ant (Formica aquilonia Yarrow, 1955)
Displays: 1455; Downloads: 173;

History and archeology

Kopeikin M. A.The role of marriage diplomacy in the foreign policy of Seleucus I and Antiochus I (308–260)
Displays: 1142; Downloads: 219;
Krapivin M. A.The role of informal contacts in international negotiations in the 1960s – 1970s.
Displays: 828; Downloads: 186;
Starodubtsev A. E.Activities of swedish missionaries on the territory of the Russian empire and USSR. Late XIX century - first quarter of of XX century
Displays: 1113; Downloads: 188;

Clinical Medicine

Kondratyev D. A.Retrospective analysis of the incidence of solitary kidney cyst in the Republic of Karelia
Displays: 1993; Downloads: 168;

Education and teaching science

Vlasenko A. R.Online school: “yes” and “no”
Displays: 1572; Downloads: 170;

Political Science and Regional Studies

Slobodchikov D. V.Factors of protest activity of the population
Displays: 1718; Downloads: 188;

Psychological sciences

Shchigartsova A. A.Psychological well-being and satisfaction with the profession of a modern teacher
Displays: 3025; Downloads: 217;

Sociology and Social Work

Vinogorova K. S.Prevention of family conflicts as a factor in the stabilization of modern society (on the example of the Republic of Mari El)
Displays: 2223; Downloads: 180;
Zhuravleva C. V.Preventive volunteering in the penitentiary system (based on the materials of the Mari El Republic)
Displays: 1208; Downloads: 170;
Zhuravleva V. S.Social work by means of volunteer activities with the elderly (as exemplified of the social project of student volunteers "Academy of Active Longevity in the Arctic" of the Murmansk Arctic State University)
Displays: 1451; Downloads: 177;
Mikhailova N. A.Сonflicts and their transformation in emergency situations (the case of the COVID-19 pandemic)
Displays: 2143; Downloads: 235;
Shabalina E. D.Social prevention of terrorism and extremism among students (in the Mari El Republic)
Displays: 796; Downloads: 180;

Philosophy, ethics and religion

Popov D. A.The concept of social justice in the theory of Charles Fourier
Displays: 1372; Downloads: 195;
Uriadnikov I. A.Transformation of philosophical views on the fate of Russia during the revolutions of the twentieth century
Displays: 632; Downloads: 180;


Kirillova P.Problems of international legal regulation of doping in sports
Displays: 1139; Downloads: 173;
Kirillova P.Scandinavian legal realism
Displays: 1615; Downloads: 197;

Linguistics and literature

Agaponko V.Sofi Oksanen`s novel «Purge» as a work of trauma fiction
Displays: 1418; Downloads: 234;
Bazanova M. M.Elvish names in John Tolkien
Displays: 3473; Downloads: 308;
Tigina E. A.The importance of English in medicine
Displays: 1251; Downloads: 158;