No 2 (22): 24.

Linguistics and literature


Scientific article

UDK 821.511.111


Valeria Agaponko
Petrozavodsk State University
(Belarusskaya 15),

Sofi Oksanen`s novel «Purge» as a work of trauma fiction

Paper submitted on: 05/28/2021;
Accepted on: 05/28/2021;
Abstract. The topic of this article is an analysis of Sofi Oksanen's novel «Purge» from the trauma literature perspective. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the trauma literature is a new trend in modern literature that has come in Finland in the 1990s and has not still lost its popularity to this day. However, the work of Sofi Oksanen in the context of trauma literature has not yet been sufficiently studied, and it sets the problem and the aim of this work - to analyze the novel "Purge" from the trauma fiction perspective. The article gives a definition and main features of the trauma literature, it also describes the main facts of Sofi Oksanen's biography since she says that her main artistic method is autobiographical. The work used the bibliographic, analytical method, the method of description and comparison. On the basis of the received information the novel «Purge» is analyzed from the trauma literature perspective. As a result of the study, there is no doubt that the novel belongs to the direction of trauma literature, which allows us to take a fresh look at the work. The goal of trauma literature is to recognize the traumatic past and to embrace it by both the writer and the reader, and this goal is successfully achieved by Sofi Oksanen and her novel.
Keywords: intertextuality, poetics, trauma fiction, symbols, modern literature

For citation: Agaponko, V. Sofi Oksanen`s novel «Purge» as a work of trauma fiction. StudArctic forum. 2021, 2 (22): 24.

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