No 2 (22): 17.

Sociology and Social Work


Scientific article

UDK 364.044.44


Victoria S. Zhuravleva
Master's Degree Student, Murmansk Arctic State University
(Murmansk, Kapitana Egorova str., 15),

Social work by means of volunteer activities with the elderly (as exemplified of the social project of student volunteers "Academy of Active Longevity in the Arctic" of the Murmansk Arctic State University)

Scientific adviser:
Petoshina Svetlana Igorevna
PhD in Philosophy
Elena Luzgina
Paper submitted on: 05/17/2021;
Accepted on: 05/23/2021;
Abstract. This article considers the experience of social work with the elderly by means of volunteer activities. As an example, the project "Academy of Active Longevity in the Arctic", implemented by students of the volunteer group "SOCIONOM" on the basis of the Murmansk Arctic State University, is presented. This project is aimed at teaching elderly people computer literacy, which can help improve the quality of life of this category of citizens. The article also presents the results of the research conducted by the author using the questionnaire method, and summarizes the experience of personal participation in the project.
Keywords: social work, elderly people, volunteer activity, students, social project, active longevity, Arctic

For citation: Zhuravleva, V. S. Social work by means of volunteer activities with the elderly (as exemplified of the social project of student volunteers "Academy of Active Longevity in the Arctic" of the Murmansk Arctic State University). StudArctic forum. 2021, 2 (22): 17.


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