No 2 (22): 20.

Philosophy, ethics and religion


Scientific article

UDK 1 (091)


Denis A. Popov
бакалавриат, IHPSS Petrozavodsk State University
(Russia, Petrozavodsk, Lenina street, house 36A, 58),

The concept of social justice in the theory of Charles Fourier

Scientific adviser:
Suvorova Irina Mikhailovna
Elena Luzgina
Paper submitted on: 06/15/2021;
Accepted on: 06/16/2021;
Abstract. The article actualizes the issue of social justice in the theory of Charles Fourier, a prominent representative of the utopian socialists of the 18-19th century. The objectives of the research are to analyze Fourier's ideas about social justice, to identify the connection with the concepts of passion, happiness and harmony, as well as to study the author's image of the future based on social justice. The research methods were the analysis of primary sources, i.e. works of Fourier himself. In addition, the comparative method was used, as well as the systematization of scattered references to "happiness" (ie, justice) in Fourier's theory, to compile a unified picture of how a prominent representative of 19th century socialism-utopianism understood social justice. As a result, a conclusion is made about the possibility of using the ideas of Charles Fourier in modern times to solve urgent problems of society.
Keywords: social philosophy, socialism-utopianism, passions, justice, happiness, harmony.

For citation: Popov, D. A. The concept of social justice in the theory of Charles Fourier. StudArctic forum. 2021, 2 (22): 20.


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