No 2 (22): 10.

History and archeology


Scientific article


Andrey E. Starodubtsev
(Kirov oblast, Kirov, Preobrazhenskaya str. 41, building 11),

Activities of swedish missionaries on the territory of the Russian empire and USSR. Late XIX century - first quarter of of XX century

Paper submitted on: 05/22/2021;
Accepted on: 05/26/2021;
Abstract. Preaching of evangelical christianity on russian territory starts even before the revolution and mainly missionary work was promoted by the forces of preachers from Great Britain and the countries of Northern Europe. In the late XIX century for these protestant preachers Russia was unknown, but tempting region. Swedish protestant geographically was really close to the Russian empire and have the opportunity to work closelly to communities of protestant christians on the north-west part of country and then even expand the area of their activities to the inner regions of Russia. The most serious obstacle to the successful implementation of their missionary activity was the unfriendly and often hostile policy of the Russian Empire in relation to other Christian denominations. The biggest counteraction was directed against the protestant lutheran and baptist missons, that in the XIX century experienced a period of new awakening and spiritual zeal in spreading their ideas. This scientific work is dedicated to all the difficulties that Swedish Protestants had to face in their work on the territory of the Russian empire.
Keywords: Sweden, Russia, protestant evangelic, mission, Höijer, Svensson, pashkovits, baptists, Gospel

For citation: Starodubtsev, A. E. Activities of swedish missionaries on the territory of the Russian empire and USSR. Late XIX century - first quarter of of XX century. StudArctic forum. 2021, 2 (22): 10.

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