No 2 (22): 25.

Linguistics and literature


Scientific article

UDK 82-311.3


Maria M. Bazanova
applied baccalaureate, PetrSU
(Petrozavodsk, Skandinavskiy proezd, 2. apt. 39.),

Elvish names in John Tolkien

Scientific adviser:
Agapitova E.K.
Aleksandr A. Lebedev
Paper submitted on: 03/04/2021;
Accepted on: 04/12/2021;
Abstract. The author analyzes the tradition of naming in the artificial culture of the elves of the Legendarium J.R. R. Tolkien. The lexical, word-formation and morphological levels, as well as the mythological and cultural components are considered.
Keywords: Tolkien, Legendarium, elves, names, mythology, fantasy, anthroponymics, The Silmarillion.

For citation: Bazanova, M. M. Elvish names in John Tolkien. StudArctic forum. 2021, 2 (22): 25.

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