No 2 (22): 11.

Clinical Medicine


Scientific article


Dmitry A. Kondratyev
Medical Institute of PetrSU
(Russian Federation, Republic of Karelia, Petrozavodsk, st. Krasnoarmeyskaya, 31 A),

Retrospective analysis of the incidence of solitary kidney cyst in the Republic of Karelia

Scientific adviser:
Malyshev Viktor Anatolyevich
Candidate of Medical Sciences
Associate Professor
Medical Institute of PetrSU
Paper submitted on: 04/02/2021;
Accepted on: 05/17/2021;
Abstract. In the course of the analysis, the morbidity was retrospectively studied, and the results of surgical treatment of solitary kidney cysts in patients of the urological department of the “Republican Hospital named after V. A. Baranov " for the period 2010 – 2019. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the cysts turned out to be benign formations that required surgical treatment only in the presence of clinical manifestations, complications or a high risk of malignancy. It was found that the tendency of cysts to malignancy directly depends on the morphology of the cyst: cysts of gradations I, II and II F according to Bosniak underwent malignant degeneration extremely rarely, class III cysts malignant in about 1 in 10 cases, while class IV cysts in 100% of cases turned out to be malignant.
Keywords: kidney anomalies, kidney solitary cyst, Bosniak, renal cell carcinoma, sclerotherapy

For citation: Kondratyev, D. A. Retrospective analysis of the incidence of solitary kidney cyst in the Republic of Karelia. StudArctic forum. 2021, 2 (22): 11.


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