No 2 (22): 21.

Philosophy, ethics and religion


Scientific article

UDK 1 (091)


Ilya A. Uriadnikov
Petrozavodsk State University (PetrSU)
(Petrozavodsk, Lenin Str.33),

Transformation of philosophical views on the fate of Russia during the revolutions of the twentieth century

Scientific adviser:
Suvorova Irina Mixajlovna
Paper submitted on: 05/29/2021;
Accepted on: 05/30/2021;
Abstract. The article deals with the transformation of the views of Russian religious philosophers N. A. Berdyaev and P. A. Florensky on the fate of Russia in the first decades of the XX century. The main goal is to analyze the views of philosophers at the pre-revolutionary and post-revolutionary stages of history. The study compares the views of N. A. Berdyaev and P. A. Florensky regarding the fate of Russia and its future. As a conclusion, it is noted that, although not all hopes of religious philosophers for the future were justified, in many respects their views on the future turned out to be prophetic. The work notes the philosophical sensitivity of the perception of reality, and also emphasizes the worldview value of Russian religious philosophy, which has made a huge contribution to world culture.
Keywords: Russian religious philosophy, Berdyaev, Florensky, the fate of Russia, revolution

For citation: Uriadnikov, I. A. Transformation of philosophical views on the fate of Russia during the revolutions of the twentieth century. StudArctic forum. 2021, 2 (22): 21.


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