No 2 (22): 1–6.



Scientific article

UDK 60.054.35


Alexander Tihonov
Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk st. Lenin 33),

Features of the civil architecture of the Pryazhinsky Karelians based on the materials of the 1979-1980 expeditions

Scientific adviser:
Margarita Vasilievna Kisternaya
Paper submitted on: 06/16/2021;
Accepted on: 06/18/2021;
Abstract. Studying materials on the topic "Wooden architecture of Karelia" you can see the whole picture as a whole, however, a local examination of individual areas is extremely rare. The purpose of this study is to identify the features of the wooden architecture of the Karelian-Livviks, Pryazhinsky district of the Republic of Karelia, based on the materials of the expeditions of 1979-1980. under the leadership of V.P. Orfinsky. In the context of the work, the analytical method of research played the main role in the study of materials. This expedition made it possible to analyze the collected material, in particular, the features of housing construction, decoration of dwellings, and sacred places of the Karelian-Livviks.
Keywords: wooden architecture of the Pryazin Karelian-Livviks; materials of expeditions, types of residential buildings; religious buildings; decorative elements.

For citation: Tihonov, A. Features of the civil architecture of the Pryazhinsky Karelians based on the materials of the 1979-1980 expeditions. StudArctic forum. 2021, 2 (22): 1–6.


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3. Tarasova T.G. Review of photographic materials of the complex expedition of the Ministry of Culture of the KASSR 1979-1980. in the funds of the Kizhi Museum-Reserve. Cult architecture [Electronic resource]. URL:

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