No 3 (23), 2021

Biological Sciences

Valdaeva E.Testate Amoebae (Rhizopoda, Testacea) in Karelia Pine Biogeocenoses
Displays: 880; Downloads: 189;

History and archeology

Popov D.Defense of Fort Ino in 1918 in the documents of the Russian State Military Archive
Displays: 750; Downloads: 255;
Savitsky S.Lenian Kitsa on the development of pulp and paper industry in Karelia
Displays: 710; Downloads: 136;

Clinical Medicine

Dolgina E.Experience in the diagnosis of acute mesenteric ischemia abroad and in the Russian Federation
Displays: 798; Downloads: 141;

Education and teaching science

Vaskin V.The use of educational dialogue and its educational tools in school practice
Displays: 913; Downloads: 171;

Political Science and Regional Studies

Travkin P.The conflict between the army and the Indonesian police: history, dynamics, ways to overcome the crisis of relations between the two structures
Displays: 582; Downloads: 149;

Sociology and Social Work

Igoshina I., Veselova P.Problems of implementation of the national project «Accessible Environment» in the Kalevalsky district of Karelia.
Displays: 785; Downloads: 141;
Kolmyk A., Ermolaeva A.Problems of providing social services during the pandemic in the Kalevala district
Displays: 700; Downloads: 129;
Popova V.Problems of building of social identity of youth (theoretical approaches)
Displays: 2942; Downloads: 180;

The media and information and library science

Moshnikova D.New York text in Dovlatov's journalism of the early 80s.
Displays: 667; Downloads: 142;

Economics and management

Taranov N.The dichotomy of marketability and planning in the activities of state corporations of the Russian Federation: economic and legal aspect
Displays: 530; Downloads: 155;

Linguistics and literature

Lavrentyeva A.On translating detective novel «Varsjøen» by Thomas Marco Blatt into Russian
Displays: 772; Downloads: 178;
Nefedova V.Linguodidactic analysis of modern school textbooks of Russian language for fifth grades
Displays: 947; Downloads: 124;
Foteeva V.Etymology of nonequivalent proverbs as a reflection of national culture
Displays: 1335; Downloads: 140;