No 3 (23): 34–39.

Political Science and Regional Studies


Scientific article

UDK 323.22/.28


Pavel Travkin
master, SPBU
(Universitetskaya emb., 7/9),

The conflict between the army and the Indonesian police: history, dynamics, ways to overcome the crisis of relations between the two structures

Scientific adviser:
Svetnala Banit
Paper submitted on: 09/16/2021;
Accepted on: 09/22/2021;
Abstract. The National Army of Indonesia (the TNI) has long been a key pillar of Indonesia's sovereignty. The nation's police force (the Polri), in turn, was instrumental in the nation's struggle for independence, and was one of the few organizations which supported Sukarno during the 1965 coup. After the coup in 1965 the Polri became part of the Indonesian Armed Forces (ABRI). However, after the collapse of Suharto's regime, the police were again separated from the Armed Forces. However, this separation was unsuccessful. It has resulted in conflict between the nation's police and army due to overlapping responsibilities and competition over resources. This standoff could lead to greater conflict and the eventual balkanisation of the country. Hence, it is crucial to analyse this complex issue, taking into account its roots, its current dynamics and its potential future development.
Keywords: TNI, Polri, history of Indonesia, Indonesian politics

For citation: Travkin, P. The conflict between the army and the Indonesian police: history, dynamics, ways to overcome the crisis of relations between the two structures. StudArctic forum. 2021, 3 (23): 34–39.



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