No 3 (23): 46–50.

Sociology and Social Work


Scientific article

UDK 304.2


Anastasia Kolmyk
bachelor, Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Marshal Meretskov str., house 26, sq. 108),
Anastasia Ermolaeva
bachelor, Student, PetrSU
(Petrozavodsk, Pionerov str., 16, sq. 8),

Problems of providing social services during the pandemic in the Kalevala district

Scientific adviser:
Suvorova Irina Mikhailovna
Paper submitted on: 09/17/2021;
Accepted on: 09/20/2021;
Abstract. The article is devoted to the research of social work in Kalevala district. The article reveals the necessity of social work in rural areas during the pandemic as one of the important directions of social work with the population, and specifically about the problems of receiving and implementing social services that clients and social workers encountered. Specific aspects of providing social services in Kalevala district are highlighted. The aim of this research is to reveal the problem places of social work in Kalevala district. As methods were used: interview, method of analysis. The interviews were analyzed, conclusions were made about the provision of social services in Kalevala district.
Keywords: Kalevala district, social work, rural area, Covid-19 pandemic, social services

For citation: Kolmyk, A. , Ermolaeva, A. Problems of providing social services during the pandemic in the Kalevala district. StudArctic forum. 2021, 3 (23): 46–50.

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