No 3 (23): 74–77.

Linguistics and literature


Scientific article

UDK 811.113.5


Anastasia Lavrentyeva
Master Student, Saint Petersburg State University
(Saint Petersburg, Universitetskaya emb., 11),

On translating detective novel «Varsjøen» by Thomas Marco Blatt into Russian

Scientific adviser:
Aleksandra Livanova
Aleksandr A. Lebedev
Paper submitted on: 08/09/2021;
Accepted on: 09/21/2021;
Abstract. This article views the novel Varsjøen (2016) from perspective of cognitive translatology. It also covers some tendencies of modern translatology, conceptions of equivalence, and translation strategies, which meet aims and objectives of literary translation, especially detective-aimed ones. Several scientific methods, including description, comparison, and analysis, allow to gain purpose of research, which is to highlight main issues of translating this detective novel from Norwegian into Russian.
Keywords: Scandic detective, cognitive translatology, processual translatology, translation strategy, toponym, urbanonym, transliteration

For citation: Lavrentyeva, A. On translating detective novel «Varsjøen» by Thomas Marco Blatt into Russian. StudArctic forum. 2021, 3 (23): 74–77.


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