No 3 (23): 59–66.

The media and information and library science


Scientific article

UDK 341.462.2


Daria Moshnikova
bachelor, PetrSU

New York text in Dovlatov's journalism of the early 80s.

Scientific adviser:
Sobolev Nikolay Ivanovich
Aleksandr A. Lebedev
Paper submitted on: 06/13/2021;
Accepted on: 09/02/2021;
Abstract. The author of the article considered the urban text of Sergei Dovlatov. As the subject of research, the columns of the editor in the newspaper "New American" are involved. The column "Editor's columns" was conducted personally by Dovlatov and is an author's feuilletons on a free theme. Examples of these texts are analyzed by the author of the article on composition, plot and in comparison of Leningrad with New York.
Keywords: «New American», Sergei Dovlatov, emigration, emigration journalism, urban text, New York.

For citation: Moshnikova, D. New York text in Dovlatov's journalism of the early 80s.. StudArctic forum. 2021, 3 (23): 59–66.


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