No 3 (23): 11–18.

History and archeology


Scientific article

UDK 94(47).084.3


Denis Popov
IHPSS Petrozavodsk State University
(Russia, Petrozavodsk, Lenina street, house 33),

Defense of Fort Ino in 1918 in the documents of the Russian State Military Archive

Scientific adviser:
Ilya Motelevich Solomeshch
Paper submitted on: 10/07/2021;
Accepted on: 10/11/2021;
Abstract. The article examines the events associated with the defense and the explosion of Fort Ino in 1918. For the first time, documents from the funds of the Russian State Military Archive, which are related to the history of Ino in 1918, are introduced into scientific circulation. The goal is to study the history of the defense of the fort and its further destruction based on RSMA documents. The analysis of archival sources became the research methods. Evacuation measures, the composition of the units defending the fort, as well as the reasons why the fort was blown up without the center's sanctions are studied in detail. The history of border conflicts between Soviet Russia and Finland is updated, as well as disputes related to border territories on the Karelian Isthmus in the context of further conflicts between the two countries. As a result, it is concluded that the explosion of the fort contributed to the defense capability of Petrograd, and the reasons for its explosion, set out in the report of the commander of the Kronstadt fortress, Artamonov, are quite exhaustive. In addition, the events around the fort show that tensions in relations between Soviet Russia and Finland over territorial disputes began almost immediately after Finland's independence.
Keywords: Ino, fort, Finland, Soviet Russia, Artamonov, Kronstadt, defense

For citation: Popov, D. Defense of Fort Ino in 1918 in the documents of the Russian State Military Archive. StudArctic forum. 2021, 3 (23): 11–18.


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