No 3 (23): 82–86.

Linguistics and literature


Scientific article

UDK 398.9


Valeria Foteeva
(Petrozavodsk, Pravdy, 1),

Etymology of nonequivalent proverbs as a reflection of national culture

Paper submitted on: 10/05/2021;
Accepted on: 10/05/2021;
Abstract. Language is a mirror of the life of any nation, and folklore, which includes, especially, proverbs and sayings, most clearly shows the features of the particular culture. People have always shown interest in the cultures of other nations, their lives and traditions. For this reason, there was also a desire to learn other languages, because it is one of the ways to learn the culture of another country. The article is devoted to the topic of German proverbs and sayings: a definition of the term "proverb" is given, the etymology of several set phrases of the German language, for which there are no analogs in the Russian language, is described. It is concluded that the reflection of historical events and cultural characteristics of the nation should be sought in the non-equivalent set phrases.
Keywords: proverbs, sayings, nonequivalence, German, etymology

For citation: Foteeva, V. Etymology of nonequivalent proverbs as a reflection of national culture. StudArctic forum. 2021, 3 (23): 82–86.

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