No 3 (23): 40–45.

Sociology and Social Work


Scientific article

UDK 316


Irina Igoshina
Bachelor course, Petrozavodsk state University (PetrSU)
(Avenue. Lenin, 33),
Polina Veselova
Bachelor course, Petrozavodsk state University (PetrSU)
(Avenue. Lenin, 33),

Problems of implementation of the national project «Accessible Environment» in the Kalevalsky district of Karelia.

Scientific adviser:
Suvorova Irina Mikhailovna
Paper submitted on: 09/30/2021;
Accepted on: 09/30/2021;
Abstract. The scientific article is devoted to the study of the national project "Accessible Environment". Thanks to the study of this topic, you can find out for what reasons the program cannot be fully implemented. The relevance is due to the fact that only by studying the problems can you find effective ways to improve the project with maximum benefit for the recipients of the services. The purpose of our article is to identify problems in the field of accessible environment in the Kalevala region of the Republic of Karelia. The main research methods are interviews, observation, analysis and comparison of documents. The result of the study showed that the national project “Accessible Environment” is carried out unevenly in the Kalevala region, and also does not have a large number of social infrastructure facilities for people with disabilities.
Keywords: accessible environment, Kalevala district, people with disabilities, rural area, rehabilitation and integration of disabled people

For citation: Igoshina, I. , Veselova, P. Problems of implementation of the national project «Accessible Environment» in the Kalevalsky district of Karelia.. StudArctic forum. 2021, 3 (23): 40–45.


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