StudArctic Forum
scientific journal
ISSN 2500-140Х
Editorial board
For Authors
No 2 (18), 2020
Clinical Medicine
Gladkova D.
Modern problems of private medicine
Displays: 3732; Downloads: 293;
Efimova K.
Selection of the optimal foundation for a four-story residential building
Displays: 2248; Downloads: 268;
Psychological sciences
Sorokina I. S.
The use of art therapy in work with primary school children's fear and anger
Displays: 2630; Downloads: 279;
Agriculture, forestry and fisheries
Matveeva A. D.
Research Park Udaltsova ponds as part of landscaping and planning structures of the West and southwest of the city of Moscow
Displays: 3031; Downloads: 298;
Gracheva E. N.
Historical aspects of the creation of the arboretum ("Living Book" reserve) in the city of Noginsk, Moscow Region
Displays: 1835; Downloads: 293;
Engineering and construction technology
Matsuev R. A., Meheda M. D.
The dependence of the value of destructive loads in the sheet of wooden elements compounds from the number of nuclears
Displays: 1487; Downloads: 311;
Economics and management
Shikhalova V.
Potential measures of liability for violations of budget legislation
Displays: 3464; Downloads: 393;