No 2 (18): 5.

Engineering and construction technology


Scientific article


Roman A. Matsuev
academic baccalaureate, PetrSU
(33, Lenin Str., 185000, Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, Russia),
Maria D. Meheda
academic baccalaureate, PetrSU
(33, Lenin Str., 185000, Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, Russia),

The dependence of the value of destructive loads in the sheet of wooden elements compounds from the number of nuclears

Scientific adviser:
Kolesnikov Gennadiy Nikolavich
Paper submitted on: 02/02/2020;
Accepted on: 02/03/2020;
Abstract. This article is devoted to finding the exact relationship between the readings of the breaking load and the number of fasteners in the connection of wooden elements during shear deformation. The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that issues related to the competent use of a renewable resource, such as wood, are raised in a complex stress state that arises everywhere.
Keywords: wood structures, knots, shear, strength, pliability.

For citation: Matsuev, R. A., Meheda, M. D. The dependence of the value of destructive loads in the sheet of wooden elements compounds from the number of nuclears. StudArctic forum. 2020, 2 (18): 5.


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