No 2 (18): 3.

Agriculture, forestry and fisheries


Scientific article

UDK 680.35


Anastasia D. Matveeva
applied bachelor's degree, Mytishchi Departement BMSTU
(1st Institutskaya street, Mytishchi, Russia),

Research Park Udaltsova ponds as part of landscaping and planning structures of the West and southwest of the city of Moscow

Scientific adviser:
Teodoronski Vladimir Sergeevich Doctor of agricultural Sciences
academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Oksana Chernishenko
Paper submitted on: 03/21/2020;
Accepted on: 04/30/2020;
Abstract. The city's parks and other green spaces have a strategic importance for the quality of life of a society that has become increasingly subject to urbanization. In this regard, the study and analysis of the development/degradation, state and use of park areas is becoming particularly relevant now. The West and South-West of Moscow have the most favorable conditions for placing park areas, thanks to the successful wind rose, a variety of terrain and a slightly warmer climate than the rest of the capital. In this regard, the study of the use of natural areas as the main recreational objects of the urban environment was conducted on the example of the Park Udaltsovsky prudy.
Keywords: park Udaltsovsky prudy; functional zoning; urban planning situation; natural complex; site improvement; reconstruction

For citation: Matveeva, A. D. Research Park Udaltsova ponds as part of landscaping and planning structures of the West and southwest of the city of Moscow. StudArctic forum. 2020, 2 (18): 3.


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