No 2 (18): 6.

Economics and management


Scientific article


Vera Shikhalova
(Petrozavodsk, pr. Lenina, 33),

Potential measures of liability for violations of budget legislation

Oksana N. Prohorova
Paper submitted on: 03/04/2020;
Accepted on: 04/30/2020;
Abstract. The article deals with the establishment of liability (administrative and budgetary) for violations in the budget sphere. The legislation concerning the establishment of liability standards and statistical data on the detection of offences for the last three years are analyzed. Further prospects of improvement of control over the budgetary sphere in the Russian Federation and the purpose of application of budgetary coercive measures are defined.
Keywords: delinquency, budget legislation, violations in the budgetary sphere, coercive measures, administrative penalties, improper use of budgetary funds, chief administrator and recipient of budgetary funds, chief administrator of budgetary revenues, Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation

For citation: Shikhalova, V. Potential measures of liability for violations of budget legislation. StudArctic forum. 2020, 2 (18): 6.


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