No 2 (18): 2.

Psychological sciences


Scientific article

UDK 159.9


Irina S. Sorokina
bachelor course, PetrSU
(Lenin Str., 33),

The use of art therapy in work with primary school children's fear and anger

Scientific adviser:
Rumyantseva Anita Vladislavovna Candidate of Psychological Sciences
Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology
Petrozavodsk State University
Paper submitted on: 06/30/2020;
Accepted on: 07/20/2020;
Abstract. The article is devoted to peculiarities of primary school children's fear and anger, describes typical psychological portraits, includes analysis of differences in the amount of fears between children with varied manifestation of anger. The research problem is that it is necessary to carry out of correction- and development-education with younger students with emotional difficulties. The result of the research was the conclusions about age and individual variants of primary school children's fear and anger manifestations, also was developed correction- and development-program.
Keywords: emotional sphere of primary school students, anger, fear, art therapy

For citation: Sorokina, I. S. The use of art therapy in work with primary school children's fear and anger. StudArctic forum. 2020, 2 (18): 2.


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