№ 2 (22). С. 26.

Языкознание и литературоведение


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Елена Алексеевна


Значение английского языка в медицине

Научный руководитель:
Хлызова Ирина Эдуардовна
Статья поступила: 21.06.2021;
Принята к публикации: 22.06.2021;
Аннотация. Каждый человек, получивший среднее образование, обязательно изучал английский язык. Иногда английский язык не преподается должным образом в российских школах и университеты получают студентов с пробелами в знаниях английского языка, не обладающие развитыми навыками коммуникации. Это часто приводит к тому, что люди, изучающие английский язык, не могут освоить язык на хорошем уровне и поэтому испытывают страх, боясь ошибиться в процессе использования английского. Цель моего исследования - доказать значимость английского языка в области медицины. Студенты медицинского института были выбраны,как участники опроса. Полученные данные проанализированы и суммированы.
Ключевые слова: значение,иностранный язык,медицина,преимущества изучения английского,студенты.

Для цитирования: Тигина Е. А. Значение английского языка в медицине // StudArctic forum. № 2 (22), 2021. С. 26.

In the introduction to my paper I would like to say, that every person who received a secondary education studied a foreign language. For the most part, it is certainly English. Some рeople are easy language learners, some are hard, but both of them sooner or later understand the real significance of the knowledge of foreign languages either at the university or in practical work. Specialists are obliged to raise their professional levels and standards. This is of particular importance for medical professions. No doubt that every doctor must know Latin, but surely a modern doctor who really cares for his career and the health of patients should also know English.
Medicine as a science is booming nowadays. In this connection, a huge number of international medical conferences are organized and held, many new investigations are carried out, and new scientific literature is constantly being published. There is also a large number of foreign internships and experience exchange programs to which any self-respecting clinic tries to send its employees.
All this, of course, is very interesting and challenging, and contributes to the professional development of Russian physicians. To participate in an international medical forum, you need to know English. After all, this is the language of medical brotherhood of the entire world. Without the knowledge of English, you will not be able to read scientific literature, as all new articles are published in this language. To wait for the translation of materials into Russian seems to be an inadmissible luxury taking into consideration the current speed of information updating.
Let me now turn to the benefits of learning English in details.
It should be pointed out that all the medical terminology is based on Latin, one doctor is certain to understand another if he makes a diagnosis or a prescription in Latin, but for communication with foreign patients, for scientific activities or studying information from original sources, the doctor needs English.
First of all, I would like to say that a doctor who speaks English is better aware of modern medical trends. Knowing English, you can freely read foreign medical journals, modern books on medicine, get acquainted with publications on English-language medical sites. And, of course, in terms of volume and relevance, such information is significantly beneficial compared to information available in Russian. Thus, the knowledge of English allows you to constantly improve your skills, be aware of advanced methods of diagnosis and treatment. The fact is that scientific publications become available to a wide range of readers just in English, and it can take a long time before they are translated into Russian or other languages. Both in the scientific environment and ordinary life English is the language of international communication. I want to emphasize that there are many resources: magazines, books, various scientific papers published in English. Knowing English, you can easily get acquainted with this information without the help of an interpreter, and this will significantly save time. Of course, we can say that there is a lot of information in Russian, but medicine does not stand still and dynamically steps forward in its development. SO, a doctor familiar with advanced treatment techniques, the writings of his foreign colleagues, will benefit compared to a doctor not interested in the development of medicine in the world.
In addition, English gives you a chance to get or continue your medical education abroad. If you are just going to study as a doctor, perhaps you would like to enter a foreign university, and proficiency in English is one of the main conditions for the implementation of your plans. You do not necessarily need a large amount of money to study at a good foreign university. There are various programs of study for promising students, so it is possible to study abroad without spending a fortune on this, but without knowledge of foreign languages it is impossible. If you are already a medical practitioner and would like to grow professionally, you can take an internship in a foreign clinic, an advanced training course abroad, and participate in international research projects in the field of medicine. To realize this, you will also need to know English.
As for me, I think that the knowledge of English will allow a person to work in the same team with foreign specialists. Many domestic clinics cooperate with foreign medical institutions, invite foreign specialists to work or consult with them in difficult cases in order to jointly make a diagnosis or determine how to treat patients. In addition, physicians who are fluent in English are invited to participate in international clinical research. Knowing English is always prestigious. Regardless of your professional affiliation, whether you are a doctor or other specialist, if you are fluent in foreign languages, in any company, whether it cooperates with foreign partners or not, you are considered to be a more valuable employee. Knowledge of English demonstrates your education, emphasizes that you are a modern, open, aimed at the self-improvement person.
Allow me to call your attention to the level of knowledge of English in Russia. Actually, it is quite low among all segments of the population, including health workers. Sometimes English is not taught properly in Russian schools and universities get students with gaps in English knowledge who do not have developed communication skills. This often leads to the fact that people learning English cannot master the language at a good level and therefore feel scared, afraid to make a mistake in the process of using English.
The aim of my study is to prove the significance of the English language in the field of medicine. A cohort of students of the Medical Institute was selected to be studied by a survey method. The data obtained were analyzed and summed up.
Unfortunately, most medical students are not ready to study medical English, because when studying at school they did not master the basic grammar and vocabulary of the English language. Learning specific medical vocabulary is also pointless without basic language proficiency, like trying to build a home without a foundation.
As an example I can suggest a survey of PetrSU medical students, in which took part 40 people. First of all, respondents were asked to assess their current level of English and express their opinion on the importance of the English language in the field of medicine. [pic.1]

Picture 1. Levels of English proficiency

This graph shows the proficiency levels of English students at PetrSU. In general, the level of English among respondents is low. About 7% of respondents speak a foreign language at the level of A1(basic vocabulary, understanding short phrases), about 43% at level of A2-B1(participation in dialogues, basic grammar, understanding of the speech of native speakers within the framework of the topics studied), about 35% at the level of B2 (confident presentation of own thoughts, development of correct pronunciation) and only a small number of students have an advanced level (C1-C2) of English (fluency in language, no grammatical mistakes).
Undoubtedly, there are many reasons why English is needed by health officials. First, most modern medical articles are written in English, so knowledge of English allows you to access the latest scientific developments. As you know, during the translation process, some details can be lost, so if a student or doctor knows a foreign language, then they can use the text in the original, thus avoiding a potential loss of information. [pic.2]

Picture 2. The students’ opinion
However, most respondents argue that knowledge of English is necessary for the successful work of a future physician. As a result of the survey, a general trend was revealed: with experience in medicine, employees gain the understanding that English is needed in the profession of a doctor.
As reasons for learning English, survey participants noted such reasons as self-development, the ability to communicate with foreign colleagues, a career abroad, reading scientific literature from primary sources, practicing medicine as a science at the international level, and others. [pic.3]

Picture 3. The reasons for learning English
Most respondents expressed the opinion that in order to improve the language level, they should focus on learning new words, reading, performing grammar exercises and watching videos. Today you can find an English-speaking partner for network practice, visit talk clubs or move to an English-speaking country but only a few respondents said that the practice of speaking English is important.
In conclusion I want to mention that English makes the specialist more competitive at the labor market. If a specialist speaks English, this suggests that a person is engaged in his education, is interested in his self-development, and this is worthy of respect and very valuable. The knowledge of a foreign language helps the specialist in his main activity, ensures career growth, and, accordingly, high wages.
It is very important for a doctor to have a good level of proficiency in a foreign language as it will help to read specialized literature, communicate, conduct a dialogue properly. So, as you can see there are many reasons why the doctor needs English.
I hope this work will be useful for medical students who doubt about the importance of the English language in their future profession.

Список литературы

Список литературы

1. Почему врачам надо учить английский [Электронный ресурс].- URL: https://www.geniusenglish.ru/kakie-preimushhestva-daet-znanie-anglijskogo-yazyka/ .

2. Medical English: [Электронный ресурс].- URL: http://englishtimeparnas.ru/zachem_medizinskim_rabotnikam_nuzhen_angliyskiy/post/zachem-meditsinskim-rabotnikam-nuzhen-angliyskiy

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