No 1 (5): 47–54.

Engineering and construction technology


Scientific article

UDK УДК 692.52


Aleksandr Naboka
Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University
(St.Petersburg, Polytechnicheskaya, 29),

Construction of reinforced concrete interstorey floor overlap on metal beams in the old fund

Paper submitted on: 04/12/2017;
Accepted on: 04/24/2017;
Abstract. Reconstruction and major repairs of buildings are gaining momentum. For the central regions of major Russian cities, the problem of eliminating the accident rate of building structures is very urgent. There are a number of regional programs for capital repairs in apartment houses.
The article presents design solutions and recommendations for the construction of reinforced concrete floors on metal beams in the old the old fund.
Keywords: reinforced concrete floor overlap on metal bams, reconstruction, replacement of overlap, junction of the flooring device, overlapping on the profiled sheeting, overhaul

For citation: Naboka, A. Construction of reinforced concrete interstorey floor overlap on metal beams in the old fund. StudArctic forum. 2017, 1 (5): 47–54.


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