Scientific article

UDK 343.13


Elizaveta V. Saikonen
master's degree, Petrozavodsk state university
(Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation),

Current problems with the use of special knowledge by a lawyer in criminal proceedings

Scientific adviser:
Sergey A. Roganov
Anastasia A. Shljamina
Paper submitted on: 05/31/2022;
Accepted on: 06/03/2022;
Published online on: 06/22/2022.
Abstract. This article discusses some of the problems that a lawyer faces in practice when using special knowledge in criminal proceedings. The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that when resolving most criminal cases, it is necessary to involve persons with special knowledge. The basis of the study was general scientific methods, such as analysis, synthesis and private scientific methods: analysis of legal acts, formal legal method. The author comes to the conclusion that the current guarantees of the realization of the right to use special knowledge in practice are not enough to fully implement the proper defense in a criminal case.
Keywords: proceedings, specialist, special knowledge, specialist’s written opinion, expert’s written opinion

For citation: Saikonen, E. V. Current problems with the use of special knowledge by a lawyer in criminal proceedings. StudArctic forum. 2022, 7 (2): 100–104.


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