No 4 (24): 56–61.



Scientific article

UDK 347.466


Vladislav Gatchenko
Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation),

The register of notices of pledge as the main guarantee of the protection of a bona fide buyer

Scientific adviser:
Elena Paltseva
Anastasia A. Shljamina
Paper submitted on: 12/09/2021;
Accepted on: 12/12/2021;
Published online on: 12/23/2021.
Abstract. In this paper, special attention is paid to the conscientious behavior of the buyer as one of the conditions for the mandatory functioning of the register of notifications on the pledge of movable property as the main guarantee of the buyer's protection. The article provides an example of the decision of the plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, which illustrates what problems that entail adverse consequences for the buyer may arise in practice in the absence of a proper degree of care and prudence of the buyer. The paper also models the situation in order to reflect the fact that the bona fide behavior of the buyer plays a crucial role in the event of a dispute regarding the subject of the pledge, namely, when both the pledgee and the buyer behave in good faith at the same time.
Keywords: due degree of care and prudence, movable thing, subject of pledge, legal confirmation, legal purity

For citation: Gatchenko, V. The register of notices of pledge as the main guarantee of the protection of a bona fide buyer. StudArctic forum. 2021, 4 (24): 56–61.


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