No 1 (21): 17.



Scientific article

UDK 343.535


Alexei Gvozdev
St. Petersburg State University of Economics
(St. Petersburg, Russian Federation),

Subsidiary liability of the heirs of the persons controlling the debtor

Anna P. Ukhanova
Paper submitted on: 02/08/2021;
Accepted on: 02/23/2021;
Abstract. The article examines the legal nature of subsidiary liability of persons controlling the debtor in bankruptcy, as well as the issue of the extension of subsidiary liability for the debts of a bankrupt organization to the heirs of the persons controlling the debtor and the problems associated with the effect of evidentiary presumptions in such cases. This issue is considered in the light of the Ruling of the Judicial Board for Economic Disputes of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 303-ES19-15056 of December 16, 2019 in case No. A04-7886/2016.
Keywords: nsolvency (bankruptcy), legal liability, tort liability, subsidiary liability, heirs of the persons controlling the debtor.

For citation: Gvozdev, A. Subsidiary liability of the heirs of the persons controlling the debtor. StudArctic forum. 2021, 1 (21): 17.


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