No 3 (19): 6.



Scientific article


Vladislav O. Gatchenko
Petrozavodsk state University
(33 Lenin Avenue),

The institute of impeachment of the head of state in foreign countries

Scientific adviser:
Blatkova Vera Velentinovna
Irina Suvorova
Paper submitted on: 11/28/2020;
Accepted on: 12/02/2020;
Abstract. The article presents and comments on the points of view of authoritative scientists regarding the interpretation of the concept of "impeachment" due to the lack of its legislative consolidation and a unified view of it, examines the common grounds and consequences of impeachment for various foreign states, and therefore highlights their similar and different features, as well as current problems of their legal regulation in the Constitutions of foreign countries. The impeachment procedure is described on the example of the United States, Germany and France in order to determine the degree of participation of the Parliament as one of the bodies that restrain the presidential power.
Keywords: impeachment, the highest official of the state, high treason, deprivation of political rights, the procedure for bringing the head of state to justice.

For citation: Gatchenko, V. O. The institute of impeachment of the head of state in foreign countries. StudArctic forum. 2020, 3 (19): 6.


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